Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management

The main goal of the journal is to create a specialized platform for the publication of fundamental and applied research in the field of economic sciences. The magazine covers international experience and current trends in the field of personnel management, state and municipal administration, management, mathematical and instrumental methods of economics and other areas.

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the formation of new views based on modern scientific approaches and academic debates of different points of view;
publication and dissemination of scientific works by Russian and foreign authors, relevant information and best practices in the study of modern problems of economic science;
support for conceptual and empirical discussions on fundamental and applied problems of research in the field of economics and management of the national economy and mathematical and instrumental methods in economics;
promoting the development of theoretical and practical research in various fields of economic sciences;
providing the opportunity to get acquainted with current scientific research and developments to all interested readers in Russia and abroad;
involvement of young researchers in the professional community.

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Current Issue

Vol 15, No 3 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

Stochastic model of the influence of the dynamics of innovation potential on the transformation of a manufacturing enterprise
Aksinin V.I., Saraev L.A.

The published article presents the development of a stochastic model of the dynamics of development of a multifactor manufacturing enterprise, taking into account the influence of interaction of product and process innovative potentials. To form the balance of the enterprise, a system of stochastic differential equations is established for the volumes of all its resources. Management of the processes of stage-by-stage implementation of innovative potentials in production is carried out by special indicator functions included in the system of stochastic differential equations, which set time intervals for the deployment of innovative potentials. The limiting values ??of the volumes of enterprise resources and the volume of output are calculated. Numerical solution of the system of stochastic differential equations of the developed model allows us to obtain stochastic trajectories and curves of mathematical expectations of the volumes of production factors and output volumes.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):7-25
pages 7-25 views 163
Development of a Mathematical Forecasting Model RUONIA
Bogatyrev V.D., Rostova E.P.

The article examines the time series of dynamics of the RUONIA indicator, the key rate of the Bank of Russia, money supply, inflation for the period from January 2010 to the present time. During the study, methods of correlation analysis were used, as well as time series analysis, multicollinearity was checked, and autocorrelation was identified. The developed model for forecasting the value of RUONIA is based on the value of the current key rate of the Bank of Russia, the dynamics of the money supply, as well as the previous value of RUONIA. The model allows you to “predict” the value of RUONIA in order to make more informed financial decisions.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):26-36
pages 26-36 views 146
Cash flow modeling in the open innovation market system
Rostova E.P., Vybornova L.A.

The process of innovation activity is considered from the point of view of agency presence. The open innovation market system is described, including an investor, a developer and a user. The cash flows between the specified agents of the system, arising in the process of creating and commercializing an innovative product, are considered. For each agent, a profit function has been developed, which is a criterion for its optimal activity. An economic and mathematical model has been developed that describes the interaction of agents in the system.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):37-44
pages 37-44 views 140
Model of nonlinear dynamics of development of multicomponent manufacturing enterprises, taking into account the effect of investment lag
Saraev A.L., Saraev L.A.

The published article proposes a generalization of the economic and mathematical model of the dynamics of development of a multi-industry enterprise, the resources of each production of which are restored by introducing internal lagging investments. The model of such a multi-industry enterprise is presented in the form of systems of coupled differential equations with respect to production factors. It is established that the marginal values of production factors are stationary solutions of systems of differential equations. It is shown that the most efficient operation of the considered multi-industry enterprise will be achieved only when the marginal values of production factors coincide with the values of the resources used, which correspond to the maximum values of profit for each production component. For a two-component production enterprise, calculation models of output, costs and profit for each component and for the entire enterprise are constructed. Numerical solutions of the corresponding system of differential equations are given, on the basis of which integral curves are constructed for production factors, output and profit for each component of the enterprise and for the entire enterprise as a whole.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):45-58
pages 45-58 views 128
System of performance indicators of the ESG–concept: state and prospects for assessment
Avakov V.A., Shinkevich A.I.

In the world community, the concept of sustainable development has firmly established itself as a priority trend of globalization through the transformation of key development vectors into the format of the ESG–concept, within which the performance of enterprises is expressed by indicators characterizing care for the environment, personnel, transparency and efficiency of social activities. The main emphasis is on the formation of anti-corruption activities, ensuring the transparency of enterprise reporting, information openness, the use of modern management tools within the framework of the Industry 5.0 concept, eliminating gender, social and other conflicts, comprehensively ensuring a good image of the organization. In these conditions, the creation of international ratings of compliance of enterprise policies with the ESG–agenda is being updated. At the same time, there is a lack of a unified methodology for assessing the performance indicators of the ESG–concept, in the form of a unified reporting form for enterprises. The purpose of the study is to develop ESG–monitoring based on systematization of indicators in priority areas of activity and calculation of the integral ESG–indicator. The scientific novelty lies in the development of an ESG–monitoring model, which is a decomposition diagram of the organization of ESG–monitoring of enterprises in IDF0 notation as part of the implementation of the state strategy for transplantation of sustainable development goals, including the formation of a list of indicators, the development of a unified methodology for their calculation, the development of a unified form of statistical reporting, and monitoring with current frequency. The proposed toolkit is a promising mechanism for government regulation, by ranking and comparing enterprises according to the level of compliance with the ESG–concept, to create an accurate investment impulse in the field of transplantation of sustainable development goals and ensuring the homeostasis of economic systems in conditions of uncertainty and instability of the external environment.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):59-68
pages 59-68 views 160
The main trends of advanced scientific and technological development of Russian industry
Anisimova V.Y.

The article presents the results of a practical assessment of the results of development of the national economy of the Russian Federation, expressed in the main trends of advanced scientific and technological development of the country’s industry. The study notes the importance of the industrial sphere for acquiring national technological sovereignty. In order to reduce import dependence on foreign suppliers, the current trends of advanced scientific and technological development of industry and its place in ensuring national security of the Russian economy are considered. The main indicators of the production index in high-tech industries are studied in conjunction with a comprehensive assessment of the used and developed advanced production technologies. The author of the study proposes a modernized model for managing the process of advanced innovative import substitution.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):69-86
pages 69-86 views 155
Features of the methodology for assessing the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in the context of digitalization
Gnatyshina E.I.

This article is devoted to the author’s methodology for assessing the innovative activity of an enterprise aimed at integrating quantitative and qualitative indicators. This technique will allow you to more accurately reflect the level of innovation activity, identify the main factors affecting the effectiveness of innovation implementation, as well as form a strategy for further development. The paper considers the key elements of the proposed methodology. The results of the study can be applied in the practice of industrial enterprise management. The methodology can be used by state statistical agencies to monitor and evaluate the innovative activities of industrial enterprises. The implementation of this methodology can contribute to a deeper understanding of the processes associated with innovation and support informed management decisions. The methodological base of the study includes methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis, statistical analysis, factor analysis, and methods of expert assessments.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):87-101
pages 87-101 views 151
Corporate social responsibility as an integral component of Russian business
Zavodchikova T.B.

Socially responsible behavior of domestic business in the context of the instability of the current socio-economic situation is a decisive factor in its competitiveness. This necessitates the development of corporate social responsibility as an effective tool for the implementation of economically, socially and environmentally responsible activities of companies for sustainable development. The problems of formation and improvement of corporate social responsibility are the subject of analysis of numerous scientific and practical studies. Of particular relevance is the study of the modern paradigm of the development of corporate social responsibility. The purpose of the article is to analyze corporate social responsibility as an integral component of modern business. The implementation of this goal involves solving problems related to the identification of criteria for conceptual approaches to the definition of corporate social responsibility, consideration of its essence within the framework of the presented concepts, as well as the features of its transformation in the context of digitalization of the economy. In the course of the study, the author uses the system method, methods of deduction, induction, analysis, synthesis, generalization of theoretical material and factual data reflecting the practical experience of the development of corporate social responsibility of Russian business. Based on the definition of criteria of conceptual approaches to the consideration of the essence of corporate social responsibility, it is concluded that there is a need for an integrated approach to the analysis of this category on the basis of a single integral system of selected criteria in their interconnection and interdependence. The study of corporate social responsibility as an integral part of modern business made it possible to identify the key aspects of interaction between stakeholders, taking into account changes in their values under the influence of global and national factors.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):102-112
pages 102-112 views 128
Financial activity of an organization: approaches to assessment of methods
Ivanov D.A.

The article presents the practical implementation of the model for assessing the financial performance of an organization, systematizing and directing its functioning throughout their life cycle. It is noted that financial analytics of the organization’s performance indicators, determined by management technologies and factors affecting the external and internal environment, can be used to create and develop its financial strategy. It is shown that high competition, significant risks, crisis phenomena, geopolitical and socioeconomic processes on the world stage and in the state, additionally increase the relevance of developing a new methodological apparatus for managing the financial stability of organizations, as a basic resource for ensuring their development. It has been established that insufficiently studied methodological approaches and the lack of a unified approach to methods for analyzing the financial performance of an organization hinder the development and improvement of its financial strategy. The author notes that approaches to assessing methods for analyzing the financial performance of an organization’s optimization present additional opportunities and recommendations in business development, as well as the development of theoretical and practical proposals that reveal successful directions for building the entire system of strategic financial management of organizations.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):113-125
pages 113-125 views 140
The role of digital transformation in ensuring the level of technological development of industries and enterprises
Idrisov A.E., Shinkevich A.I.

In the context of the development of the data economy, the implementation of the policy of import substitution, and the increase in technological sovereignty, the study of the impact of digital transformation on increasing the level of technological development of industries and enterprises is of particular importance and relevance. The purpose of the study is to systematize, based on statistical dynamic data, the directions of digital transformation to ensure the technological development of industry. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the correlation of trends in digital transformation and technological development of the industrial sector. Description, comparative analysis, trend graphs, regression analysis, generalization and systematization of data were used as research methods. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were obtained: indicators of innovation activity and the effectiveness of research activities remain relatively low, while the trend of reduction in the number of researchers continues; the development of the data economy has contributed to increased investment in the development of information and communication technologies, but on average less than 2% of the population is employed in the field of information technology; the cost share of purchased domestic software is steadily increasing in government agencies while decreasing in commercial organizations, which negatively affects the implementation of information security policies and import substitution of technologies in the field of data management; Organizations have seen an increase in the use of integrated management information systems, mainly based on technologies such as ERP–systems, CRM–systems and supply chain management systems. The analysis of trends in the influence of digital transformation in ensuring the level of technological development presented in the article can be used as the initial information, statistical and analytical basis for developing programs to stimulate technological renewal of industrial sectors and enterprises.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):126-134
pages 126-134 views 163
Advantages and disadvantages of a closed-loop economy: the path to environmentally friendly production
Ishin L.A., Cherepovitsyn A.E., Lebedev A.P.

The relevance of the study is related to the development of the circular economy in the national economies of many countries of the world, where it is receiving increasing attention. Circular technological and economic models can be considered promising areas of strategic transformation for companies that contrast themselves with traditional business models of an open economic system based on extensive growth. The concept of a circular economy appeared in order to create closed-loop production and consumption models that aim to increase resource efficiency, use waste management approaches and achieve stable coexistence between the economy, the environment and the population. The purpose of the study is to analyze relevant scientific sources and statistical information to determine the advantages and disadvantages of closed-loop economic models at the current stage of scientific and technological progress. The research methodology is based on the use of general scientific research methods such as analysis, generalization, abstraction, synthesis. The results of the study. The article evaluates the current situation of the development of the circular economy in the world, identifies factors that emphasize the extensiveness of the current economy. The main advantages, disadvantages and barriers of the circular economy are presented, classified into four aspects: environmental, economic, technological and social. It is established that from the point of view of the economic development of the branches of the national economy, the circular economy will create new markets and business opportunities in the sectors of recycling and servicing of goods. It is also assumed that circular business models can increase the competitiveness of companies through innovation and optimization of production processes. In addition, circular economic systems will contribute to the development of innovative technologies and processing methods aimed at more efficient use of raw materials and materials.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):135-153
pages 135-153 views 249
Formalization of procedures for developing strategic directions for the development of an innovative environment for high-tech
Kovalev P.P., Kolmykova T.S.

The article substantiates the key role of active implementation of the new paradigm of the digital technological order by domestic high-tech companies in ensuring the technological leadership of the state, allowing to create innovative products and services, increase the efficiency of industrial production, form new skills and competencies of human capital, stimulate the growth of science and education, improve the quality of life of the population, the competitiveness of the national economy. It has been established that the formation of environmental contours for the development of high technologies is a priority of the Russian policy in the field of innovation. The scientific approach to the formation of the strategy for the development of the innovative environment of high-tech industries, based on the presentation of the innovative environment in two contours - internal and external, is substantiated. The author’s methodological tools for grouping industries by four types of strategic behavior (sustainable leadership, alternative breakthrough, strengthening of advantages, radical transformations) are presented. To form a line of strategic behavior in the interests of developing an innovative environment, the article proposes an algorithm for implementing actions.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):154-163
pages 154-163 views
A relevant method for evaluating information management systems in manufacturing
Kruglov V.N., Samatova A.I.

In the context of growing digitalization and the transition to domestic information management systems in manufacturing, it becomes critically important to develop adequate methods for evaluating their effectiveness. The relevance of this study is due to the need to create effective tools for the analysis and selection of information management systems that meet the specifics of the Russian market and the conditions of import substitution. The purpose of the study is to develop and justify a method for evaluating management information systems that take into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators. Methodologically, the study includes an analysis of existing valuation methods such as economic value added and total cost of ownership, identifying their shortcomings and developing a new method based on a weighted sum of criteria. The application of the proposed method has shown that it provides a more accurate and comprehensive assessment, taking into account technical characteristics and user satisfaction, which is critical for effective intra-company and strategic planning. The results confirm the hypothesis that the integration of quantitative and quantitative indicators, taking into account the importance coefficients, increases the reliability of the assessment of the information management system. Limitations include high resource requirements and the need to involve internal and external experts, which may limit practical applications. In the future, automation of the criteria normalization process and adaptation of the method to other industries are recommended.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):164-179
pages 164-179 views
The methodology of management accounting for the inter-shop movement of technological goods at industrial enterprises
Lapaev D.N., Mizikovsky I.E.

The continuity of the value creation flow and the technological stability of an industrial enterprise largely depend on the rhythm and optimality of inter-shop movements of technological goods. The management of costs spent on this process is part of the key functions of the management accounting of the economic activity of an industrial enterprise and is an important segment of the information and instrumental space of production management. The purpose of the research presented in the article is to improve the information and instrumental space of production management; the complex of tasks is the instrumentalization of management accounting of costs for inter-shop movements of technological goods. In the course of the research, the following methods were used: collection, comprehensive economic analysis and systematization of primary data on the subject area; diagnosis; synthesis, decomposition, object-oriented analysis, generalization, formalization, classification, visualization, abstraction, graphical interpretation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):180-191
pages 180-191 views
Mechanisms and tools for stimulating innovative activities of business entities in the context of import substitution
Tyukavkin N.M.

The presented study defines the goal of increasing the innovative activity of business entities, the basis of which is the development of innovative activity, reducing the negative economic consequences of the innovative policy of unfriendly countries, focusing domestic organizations and enterprises on the intensification of production. The analysis of the indicators of innovative activity, reflecting the lack of its development, is carried out, the features of increasing innovative activity are identified, its components are disclosed and methods for its definition are presented, the existing tools for intensifying innovative activity are studied. The main provisions of the new draft law ”On Technological Policy” are proposed, designed to eliminate the gap between science and production, with the existing practice of technology transfer, planned for adoption in September 2024, allowing for the implementation of a new direction of state policy - innovative policy for the development of technological sovereignty. The provisions (main tools) for stimulating the innovative activity of business entities are presented: increasing profits, reducing production costs of enterprises from the introduction of innovations and, on their basis, increasing the added value of manufactured products.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):192-209
pages 192-209 views
On the issue of the influence of cooperative relations on the efficiency of the implementation of state defense orders
Chernyaev E.V.

The subject of this study is the cooperation of participants in the implementation of the state defense order of the Russian Federation, which plays a key role in ensuring national security and technological development of the country. The study examined the theoretical foundations of cooperation in the implementation of the state defense order, analyzed the existing models of cooperation between participants in the state defense order. Using the mathematical apparatus, an assessment of the effectiveness of the management of the cooperation system was carried out using one of the cooperation models as an example. Conclusions were made regarding the conditions for the formation of stable and sustainable

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):210-224
pages 210-224 views
Pricing factors of cryptocurrencies
Shkanov B.A.

In recent years, cryptocurrencies have become a significant element of the modern economy, attracting the attention of investors, regulators, and researchers. Despite substantial progress in understanding the factors influencing cryptocurrency pricing, many aspects remain insufficiently studied. This article provides an overview of traditional factors such as fundamental, macroeconomic, financial, behavioral, and infrastructural ones, and introduces two new groups of factors: socio-economic and market manipulators. Socioeconomic factors represent a wide range of influences determined by the state of society and the economy, significantly impacting cryptocurrency pricing. Market manipulators, on the other hand, encompass methods such as pump-and-dump schemes, insider trading, and manipulations using stablecoins, which lead to substantial price fluctuations in cryptocurrencies. The review of existing traditional factors in combination with new ones allows for a more comprehensive assessment of the dynamics of cryptocurrency pricing. The introduction of these new groups of factors underscores the need for further research to gain a fuller understanding of the pricing mechanisms in the cryptocurrency market and to develop risk management strategies. This work provides a review of existing studies and highlights gaps that require researchers’ attention.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2024;15(3):225-237
pages 225-237 views