Vol 18, No 2 (2023)

Full Issue


Digital trace of a government (municipal) employee: legal basis, types and limits of use

Volkov V.E., Korendyaseva A.A.


the subject of the article is how governments can use civil servants digital trace to make their work more effective. Also, authors discuss about “passive” and “active” “digital trace”. The article presents attempts to differentiate concepts of “digital shadow” and “digital trace”. Special attention is paid to specific ways to control civil servants and opportunity of legal consolidation. In addition, the article contains examples of using civil servants “digital trace” currently.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(2):7-12
pages 7-12 views

Practice of termination of contracts of participation in shared-equity construction due to a significant change in circumstances

Lobachev D.A.


paragraphs 1, 1.1 of Article 9 of Federal Law No 214-FZ as of December 30, 2004 “On Participation in the Shared Construction of Apartment Buildings and Other Real Estate Objects and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federationˮ explicitly specify cases when a participant in shared construction has the right to withdraw from the contract or demand its termination in court. These cases are mainly associated with improper fulfillment of obligations by the developer. But except in special cases, the said law provides for the possibility of termination of the contract in the presence of other grounds established by federal law or contract. One of these grounds is provided for in Article 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which deals with the amendment and termination of the contract in connection with a significant change in circumstances. The relevance of the issue under study is dictated by the fact that the very basis in the form of a significant change in circumstances does not have unambiguous legislative signs for understanding and application. This situation initially creates conditions for the breadth and diversity of law enforcement discretion. The interest in this ground for termination of contracts is also partly dictated by the changed attitude in practice to the previously presumed right of participants in shared-equity construction to refuse to perform the contract at any time on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992 No 2300-1 “On Consumer Protectionˮ. The article concludes that by its nature, a significant change in circumstances is associated with phenomena and events of an external order that affect the execution of the contract of participation in shared construction, but are not directly a consequence of the actions of the parties to fulfill the contract. The circumstance modified by the breach of contractual obligations by the party to the transaction has a different character than the events referred to in Article 451 of the Civil Code. The main reason for the refusal to satisfy the requirements for the termination of contracts of participation in shared construction is the conclusion that the participant of shared construction at the time of conclusion of the contract could foresee a significant change in circumstances. At the same time, assessing the presence of this criterion, it is necessary to proceed not just from a hypothetical possibility to foresee a change in circumstances, but to take into account specific conditions, including existing experience and knowledge, based on which, the plaintiff, having shown good faith, due care and prudence, could reasonably foresee a change in circumstances.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(2):13-20
pages 13-20 views

Mediation as an alternative way to resolve legal disputes

Parsina V.E.


The article is devoted to the general analysis of the mediation procedure in the system of alternative ways of settling legal disputes. These methods took shape as a system relatively recently and are currently a discussed topic among researchers. The relevance of the study is characterized by the fact that conflicts are an integral part of our lives. The guarantee and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms have traditionally been one of the priorities for any developed State. In this regard, the use of existing alternative instruments provided for by the legal norms of the Russian Federation is necessary as guarantees and protection of individual rights. The content of the research problem lies in the weak legal elaboration of alternative forms of dispute resolution, as well as in the lack of trust on the part of citizens. As a result, there is a large overload of the judicial apparatus, lengthy dispute resolution periods and significant legal costs incurred by the parties to the conflict. The methodological basis of the research is the dialectical method of cognition, the method of analysis and synthesis, induction, deduction, as well as the comparative legal method, the formal legal method and others. The study attempts to form a holistic concept of conciliation procedures as a way to resolve legal conflicts. The mediation procedure is compared with traditional judicial dispute resolution methods, and the online mediation procedure is also considered. The advantages of the mediation procedure are noted, and individual problematic points are touched upon in online mediation. The author makes proposals for the introduction of mandatory mediation for certain categories of cases, formulated conclusions and suggestions for the further development of online mediation. The practical significance of the study is determined by the general conclusions about the state of alternative procedures and the institution of mediation, online mediation providing a basis for further development of legislation in these areas.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(2):21-33
pages 21-33 views

Practice of using indirect evidence in civil proceedings: problems and ways to overcome them

Melnikova D.D.


the article addresses issues related to normative regulation and judicial practice in the use of indirect evidence, providing formulated and generalized conclusions by the author regarding the practical problems discussed, along with proposals for overcoming challenges in proving cases involving indirect evidence. The author notes the absence of a legal definition of indirect evidence in legislation, leading to doctrinal pluralism regarding its concept and essence. Additionally, the lack of clarity in the classification and characteristics of indirect evidence, as well as criteria for their sufficiency and assessment, poses challenges for their utilization and judicial evaluation in civil proceedings, adversely affecting overall judicial practice and the efficiency of civil litigation. The methodological basis of the article is shown through formal-legal, comparative-legal, logical, and other scientific methods. The author concludes that introducing categories and definitions of “directˮ and “indirectˮ evidence into procedural legislation could serve as a potential legal solution to some issues in the practical application of indirect evidence in civil proceedings. Furthermore, the author emphasizes the necessity of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation actively collecting information on the application and assessment of indirect evidence, as well as consolidating rules and criteria for their judicial evaluation, with the aim of preparing a resolution by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the procedure for assessing indirect evidence.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(2):34-48
pages 34-48 views

Features of proving crimes, committed by organized crime groups

Mikheeva Т.I.


the article reveals difficulties in proving criminal acts committed by organized crime groups, caused by careful planning and conspiracy, a high degree of organization of members of these crime groups, a large number of episodes of criminal activity of the accused, the peculiarities of its operational documentation, the need to appoint a large number of forensic examinations, as well as production of investigative and procedural actions. The author believes that the topic chosen for research is one of those that has not been sufficiently researched: there are no thematic monographs devoted to this topic; within the framework of the course “Criminal Procedure”, the issues of proving the analyzed crimes are considered in the most general terms, and scientific publications published in print are not numerous, and many of them touch only on certain aspects of the topic under study.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(2):49-54
pages 49-54 views

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