Calculation of hydrodynamic noise in the diffuser of a pulsation damper flow channel

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This article deals with the problem of hydrodynamic noise inside a fluid pressure vibration absorber. The calculation of hydrodynamic noise is based on the results of numerical simulation of fluid flow in the central duct of the vibration absorber. A complete system of hydrodynamics equations is solved with the help of a large eddy simulation turbulence model (LES).

About the authors

G. M. Makaryants

Samara State Aerospace University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor

Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

S. A. Gafurov

Samara State Aerospace University



Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

I. A. Zubrilin

Samara State Aerospace University


Postgraduate student

Department of Heat Engineering and Heat Engines

Russian Federation

A. N. Kryuchkov

Samara State Aerospace University


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor

Department of Automatic Systems of Power Plants

Russian Federation

Ye. V. Shakhmatov

Samara State Aerospace University


Doctor of Science (Engineering), Professor

Head of the Department of Power Unit Control Systems

Russian Federation

E. G. Berestovitsky

Concern AVRORA Scientific and Production Association Join Stock Company


Doctor of Science (Engineering)

Senior Researcher, Chief Expert in Acoustics, Head of Laboratory, Centre of Design and Testing of Electrohydraulic Equipment

Russian Federation

Yu. A. Gladilin

JSC "Concern" NPO "Aurora"


Candidate of Science (Engineering), Associate Professor

Specialist in Noise and Vibration

Russian Federation


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