The concept of utility in new european rationalism and empiricism

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The immediacy of the utility problem is determined by the variety of the notion “utility” interpretations. The present research objective – solution of the notional uncertainty of the notion “utility” in the rational and empirical concepts of the modern era. The methodology includes historic reenactment of the notion “utility” within the scope of rationalism and empiricism as well as comparison and collation of these approaches. The result of research is pointing out the definitions of the notion “utility” in the rational and empirical concepts of the modern era. The first (rationalistical) interpretation may be understood as the experimental data combination that includes preparation methods, decision-making and implementation of the decisions, compliant with the forecasting expected impact and achieving practically significant results. The second, the empirical one, deals with the thinking mode, coordinating the work of the conscious mind and feelings, and providing the free-will choice of an acceptable decision in accordance with the certain situation. The results of research presuppose removal of the colliding approaches regarding the notion “utility” interpretation via mutual complementation of the initial rationalism and empiricism fundamentals (reasoning capabilities and experimental data), implemented within the scope of utilitarianism, pragmatism, as well as within the concepts of the new science frontier – the philosophy of technology.

About the authors

Iskender A. Gaparov

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4745-9113

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Philosophy

Russian Federation, 34, Moskovskoe Shosse (St.), Samara, 443086, Russian Federation


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