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The article examines the current state of South-Russian dialect of

the Saratov Region, analyses its phonetic and grammatical dialectical

peculiarities. Recordings of dialectal speech made in 2015 and in 1990

in one of the villages of the Saratov Region, as well as data of the

“Atlas of the Russian dialects of the Middle and Lower Volga Region”

by L.I. Barannikova are compared. Comparison of the materials obtained

at different times from informants of different age and level of education,

gives the opportunity to detect in the development of the dialect under

consideration the action of several trends common to modern dialects.

Among them, the simplification of the system of pretonic vocalism,

variation of morphological forms, the sustainability of grammatical

peculiarities of wide distribution, gradual loss of dialect vocabulary.


About the authors

T. I. Murzaeva

National Research Saratov State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenovsv@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097


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Copyright (c) 2016 Murzaeva T.I.

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