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The article presents an analysis of how the students from the Russia’s ethnic regions and from the post–Soviet states assess the quality of education, and the organization of educational process in the Czech universities. The empirical basis are the semi-structured interviews, taken from students who have studied in the bachelor and master’s program in the Czech Republic, and have experience of university education in their country. The analysis shows that the students are appreciating the quality and organization of educational process in the universities of the motherland. They emphasize the importance of paternalistic type of student – teacher relationship. The difficulties with the integration of these students into the Czech universities are explained by the fact that they were formed as students in the system of higher education, which is strictly regulated by the state.



About the authors

L. B. Chetyrova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097


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