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The article is about the language of «The Amazon» by N.S. Leskov (1866), which belongs to a series of essays about «typical Russian female characters» according to its genre, to a series of tales according to its stylistic manner. Besides it is included in the «St. Petersburg text2 of Russian literature according to its motivational repertoire.

The basic unit of the analysis is a verbal artistic image as a semiotic and cognitive phenomenon. The image of the human world (in certain interpretations - social, material) was discussed in the text. It has been found that this image acquires the properties of an abstract language expressing diverse contents: subjective and objective, emotional and rational, subject-specific and symbolic-mythological etc. It is shown that the focus of the investigated image is crossed by semantic attributes belonging to different subject areas, which creates a multidimensional semantic space in which the reality reflected in the image undergoes an artistic transformation.

Our analysis revealed not only the communicative role of the image in the interconnection of author, text and reader, but also its poetic and aesthetic functions: through the crowded canvas created in the story, the «ominous outlines of the world of Brueghel and Bosch» – Lotman – are clearly visible, and ambivalence characters, creating a sense of the tragicomical absurdity of the universe, allows you to put Leskov on a par with such great Russian absurdists of the XIX century, as Gogol and Dostoevsky.

About the authors

N. Yu. Temnikova

Samara State Transport University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1588-6900

Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, Department of Linguistics


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