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This article is devoted to the opening of the main social–cultural types which were formulated in the diaries’ notes of professor M. M. Bogoslovsky from Moscow Imperial University. The specific characters of each of the social group which were marked out by the historian are defined in this item. In Bogoslovsky opinion, the base of the Russian society in 1917 is «Russian nation», which is divided into three social categories: peasants, workers and soldiers. The link between the generalized notion “Russian nation” and Bogoslovsky’s professional views is revealed.

The next important social – cultural image for the historian is intelligentsia and Bogoslovsky’s attitude to it is controversial because of its disunity. In the situation of the social – cultural crisis in 1917 a new social group – revolutionaries – takes a special place. In this article Bogoslovsky’s attitude to this social group is revealed as well as his professional view on the concept “revolution”. The wreath of the social structure of the society in Bogoslovsky’s opinion is monarchy. At the beginning of the 20th century Russian monarchy has remained very specific, the historian remarked regretfully the incompleteness of social cultural conversions, which, to his mind, must have taken place in the society under the rule of the monarch.

Through the analysis of the diaries’ notes there was made an attempt to identify and analyze the unified social – cultural model of Russian society, formulated by Bogoslovsky.

About the authors

A. A. Serykh

Samara State Technical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5435-7185

Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Philosophy


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