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The article deals with different ways of self-presentation of German hunters’ social group on the websites. The aim of the social group’s self-presentation is creating of positive group image in the society realized in the virtual space through public service self-advertisement. The self-presentation of social group is regarded in a close relation to self-definition. The presentational element of discourse shows itself in the accounts of social group on the web sites. This element called presentems is realized in different text types, in different presentational entities on different levels. The effective self-presentation of the social group in the virtual space is achieved due to variability and volume of content, availability, regular updating.
According to my research results, the German hunters’ society consolidates representatives of different ages, professions, social groups. The need of self-presentation consists in necessity of reconsideration of the social role and social tasks of the group, of its popularization in the society, of social group’s viability achievement and creation of culture-significant reputation of the hunt as a form of activity and a cultural phenomenon. The hunting society regards itself as a group of nature lovers and considers environment-oriented projects to be essential.
The author analyses different text types, which contain different volume of the self-presentational elements. She regards direct and indirect ways of self-presentation and describes the instruments of public service self-advertisement. The social group realizes the direct self-presentation in legal texts proclaiming juristic principles and basic philosophical concepts of the group and in statistics of modern hunters. The indirect self-presentation is realized in texts relating to news, in scientific, pedagogic, domain-specific, culture-historical texts. The positive image of the group is achieved due to positive semantics of lexical-semiotic presentems. The main strategy consists in attractive behavior that shows selection and grouping of materials placing an emphasis on modern values.

About the authors

Е. V. Bespalova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, assisstant professor of the Department of German Philology


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