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Color naming acts not only as an indicator of human physical abilities of a person (sensitivity of an eye to the waves of a particular character) or cognitive powers of a human mind (choice of the basic characteristics for the creation of the name of the colour); research of the process of color naming and color terms gives possibility to learn more about the system of values of the society and get cultural dominants in the language and in the society at this or that evolution stage of development of the language. Color terms could be arranged into some semantic groups and classified as ‘jewels’, ‘coloring materials’, ‘goods/materials’, ‘nature’, ‘health’, ‘foodstuff and spicery’, ‘social related/marked words’. Color terms (abstract and descriptive) originally were produced as words with great pragmatic potential. They are deeply connected with psychobiological and cultural stereotypes, that fact makes them an important component of advertising strategies and marketing policy.

About the authors

G. V. Struchalina

Belgorod National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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