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The article discusses the sense of a literary text as the total result of understanding by the reader of the continuum of the speech stream, in which the author’s intent (sense) is formalized through before-language (pre-language) meanings accumulated in the language values of different levels, in the symbols, as well as associations, potentiated by the flow of speech. The author operates with the concepts «elementary sense» as the minimal unit of sense, and «stream of senses» as a construct built from a homogeneous elementary senses. Elementary senses were seen from the point of view of linguistic and extra-linguistic sources, patterns of extraction (generation), functionality and range; for example, one line demonstrates an inseparable semantic unity of
the speech continuum, the interaction of conscious and unconscious
recipients of sources and models of sense. Verification tool of elementary sense in a literary text is it’s correlation with other senses in the structure of the sense streams (paradigms), united with coreference or conceptual homogeneity.

About the authors

L. E. Lisovitskaya

Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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