This article deals with the question about the style of literary diaries. This article describes two basic approaches to the concept of "style" and also the classification of O.G. Egorov (theorist of the genre), which was developed on the material of the XIX century is given. Basing on the diary heritage of the XX
century we made a proposal to outspread the scientist's classification at the expense of impressionistic and essayistic styles.
The subject of direct analysis is becoming a diary of K.I. Chukovsky. His diary is characterized by diversity of stylistic layers. On the one hand, it is connected to multi-dimensional consciousness of the author. On the other hand, it is explained by the inevitable evolution of the diary's content, because the writer
had been leading his diary for 69 years (from 1901 to 1969).Particular attention is paid to such stylistic features of the diary genre, as the presence of «some one else's» word. This article describes the way to turn on «some one else's» word, specific to notes of K.I. Chukovsky, in the narrative fabric of the diary.