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The article deals with the problems of sources of development of southeast of European Russia in the middle of XVII – early XVIII centuries. On the example of one of the regions – the Southern Middle Volga Region the possibility of creating an informative database of sources is analyzed. It is noted that all attempts of reconstruction of clerical work of prikaz of Kazan Court do not allow to expand it considerably and the more promising direction of investigation is suggested. The use of the funds of various institutions, corporate and private owners will create a representative source base. It is shown that a significant progress in this direction was made during recent years. The newly discovered and published materials (cadastres, estimates of martial forces and other sources), make it possible to investigate problems, which were previously staged only in very general terms.

About the authors

E. L. Dubman

Samara State University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1825-0097
Russian Federation


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