Vol 13, No 1 (2022)

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Hydrogen economy – opportunities and prospects

Bobrova V.V., Borisyuk N.K., Kirkhmeer L.V.


The article examines the relevance of the use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel, analyzes the state and trends in the development of the «hydrogen economy», during which a number of features are identified that allow assessing the prospects for its growth. In the process of solving the task, methods of analyzing scientific literature sources in the field of hydrogen economics, retrospective analysis, scientific classification, modeling and a method of generalizing the information received were used. The article analyzes the global trend towards the transition to a «green» economy. The types of hydrogen according to the methods of its production are considered. The most environmentally friendly and effective methods of obtaining hydrogen by steam conversion of hydrocarbons and electrolysis of water are substantiated. The prerequisites for obtaining «green» hydrogen on an industrial scale are revealed. It is shown that Russia has a number of important advantages in the development of hydrogen energy, in particular, these are huge reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials and developed electric generating capacities. The article also describes the raw material potential of the Orenburg region for the possible production of hydrogen. At the same time, taking into account the peculiarities of the Russian economy, the prospects for the development of a «hydrogen» economy can be formed under the influence of factors of technological development and long-term demand, as well as stimulating investment activity in this sector. The materials of this article can be used in the process of developing and implementing regional programs for sustainable economic development, as well as in the educational process at universities in economic specialties.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):7-16
pages 7-16 views

Expansion of expert activity in the development of Big Data technologies in the context of the fourth industrial revolution

Gorbunov D.V., Dmitriev A.Y., Mitroshkina T.A.


The application of expertise in various spheres of human activity at the present stage of economic development and the forecast of the role and place of a person in expert activity in the context of the fourth industrial revolution are shown. Examples of determining the main actors and the degree of regulation of certain types of expert activity, such as forensic examination, audit, and appraisal activity, are given. Poor ontological and terminological elaboration of examinations in scientific and technical activities and at the level of corporate activities is indicated. With the further development of Big Data technologies, the activity to determine the compliance of events with the criteria and the calculation of all possible risks is assumed by artificial intelligence, and making a decision on the choice of a specific option (expert opinion) and, accordingly, taking responsibility for the consequences will become the key profession of a person of the future. The university, with its experience of working with human potential, becomes the core of the development of expert activity as the future profession of humanity.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):17-24
pages 17-24 views

Features of organization and state support of innovative development of automotive clusters

Gredasova E.E., Podbornova E.S.


Currently, there is no mechanism of comprehensive state support for the automotive industry in Russian practice and legislation, only regulatory measures are applied specifically for each case. Taking into account the unstable current economic situation and the possibilities of financial and economic regulation, the most relevant and effective instruments are instruments of indirect financial impact, such as taxation. The disadvantage of the tools of the chosen direction is legislative instability, namely, constant changes in the tax code and the imperfection of legislative initiatives, which include the difficulty in determining the criteria for obtaining tax benefits and the lack of interpretations of key concepts such as R&D. Thus, the effectiveness of the use of these tools is reduced. Modern measures within the framework of organizational and technical regulation are mainly aimed at supporting the activities and financing of new forms of cooperation, ignoring an important aspect of innovative development of industry – the creation of stable infrastructure, including information support, ensuring the safety of operation, procedures for the distribution of investment risks, etc.). In addition, one of the basic principles of the development of the automotive industry is the process of localization of production, which is similarly insufficiently developed. All the problems described above indicate the need to consider the specifics of organizational and technical forms within which state support is implemented, and the search for further ways of innovative development of automotive industry.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):25-30
pages 25-30 views

Implementation of sustainable development concepts in the international markets of education and science on the example of the Samara University

Platonova I.S., Klevina M.V.


The world community puts much more impact and emphasis on such modern concepts as «circular economy», «green» economy, socially responsible business, which, in general, is about sustainable development. The sphere of higher education has not been deprived of attention from this point of view. The world's leading universities are being rebuilt in accordance with the concept of sustainable development. Many educational leaders, based on their experience of developing sustainability in the field of higher education, already have practically received cases, examples, ideas, developments and strategies that provide an initial basis for transforming the path to a sustainable university. As it can be mentioned in the practice of our country, there are several positive trends on the way to sustainable universities, but they are still don’t seem to be cardinal or as fundamental changes. This is one of the most pressing problems, which modern higher education institutions are faced up with. The objective is the analysis of the international education and science market in terms of sustainability and the development of sustainable Samara University. The paper analyzes the state and dynamics of the international education and science market in terms of sustainable development, analyzes the international and domestic activities of the Samara University in terms of sustainable development. As a methodology, there are presented activities that allow using the experience of the same structures, exchanging information between participants whose tasks are similar – activities are proposed to introduce the concepts of sustainable development at Samara University. As an empirical material, the experience of the leading players in the educational market, the legal framework of the issue of sustainable development under consideration were studied. Scientific novelty is determined by the developed and proposed concepts for introducing the principles of sustainable development into the activities of Samara University. The proposed strategy can be applied to the implementation of sustainable development concepts for units of the international education and science market.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):31-41
pages 31-41 views

Analysis of factors of increasing innovation activity of domestic enterprises

Podbornova E.S., Melnikov M.A., Gredasova E.E.


Current trends show that the most relevant direction of maintaining competitiveness and obtaining competitive advantages of any state is the development of innovative technologies and knowledge-intensive industries. In this regard, the Russian government faces the task of forming a comprehensive innovation system based on its own technological developments. The fundamental factor contributing to the more effective development of such a system is the innovative activity of enterprises. It is necessary to consider it, as well as factors affecting its condition. It is also worth noting the uneven innovation activity characteristic of our country in different regions, depending mainly on the availability and development of key factors, such as economic infrastructure, financing, scale of production, etc. To date, the share of innovative products produced by the Russian Federation in the total volume of industrial production is approximately 6.7 %. The same indicator in developed countries is about 16–19 %. Another characteristic feature of the Russian economy is the predominance of imports of innovative technologies over their exports. Large and medium-sized industrial enterprises have the greatest innovation activity, and 60 % of their products are science-intensive.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):42-48
pages 42-48 views

Digital transformation of industrial enterprises based on intelligent solutions of the «Industry 4.0» concept

Stepanov E.V.


Ensuring the competitiveness of domestic production is a necessary criterion for the stability of Russian economy in modern conditions of instability. Geopolitical disagreements, a pandemic, sanctions, insufficient provision of the component and resource base, the use of outdated technologies, increased purchase prices for materials, low purchasing power of the population – all this leads to a slowdown in industrial production, a decrease in its efficiency, and, as a result, the loss of competitive positions on the world stage.

One of the possible ways to increase the efficiency of production, leveling external influences and ensuring the safety and competitiveness of the domestic market is to upgrade the production infrastructure. Currently, there is a qualitative increase in the level of development of innovative information technologies and their active introduction into industrial production processes, which is demonstrated by large foreign and domestic companies within the framework of the «Industry 4.0» concept. Their example allows us to talk about the possibility of increasing the efficiency of industrial production and improving indicators, from which comes the need to consider the possibility of activating the integration processes of national developments and solutions in this area, mostly intellectual, based on national innovation potential.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):49-55
pages 49-55 views

Sustainability assessment of value flow of end consumer’s products and/or services

Tyapukhin A.P., Kolovertnova M.Y.


The purpose of article is to develop an approach to sustainability assessment of value flow of end consumer's products and/or services as a basis for improving the management system of corporate sustainability and sustainable development of economic systems and processes based on the study of patterns of consumer behavior and their decision to purchase products and/ or services. The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that sustainable development of the economy is determined by the sustainability of enterprises generating flows of products and/or services consumed by end consumers focused on receiving value flows. Terminological analysis, methods of grouping, typology and classification chosen as research methods, and binary matrices formed on the basis of qualitative attributes of object and it dichotomies used as tools to substantiate the scientific novelty of research. The following results are obtained in the article: the author's definitions of terms «value», «value flow», «value sustainability» and «value flow sustainability»; main consumption types of products and/or services from the perspective of sustainability; an approach to sustainability assessment of states, feelings and impressions of end consumer as basis for substantiating recommendations to improve the management of corporate sustainability and sustainable development of economic systems and processes.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):56-68
pages 56-68 views

Problems of financing and effectiveness of innovation activities

Yashin S.N., Korobova Y.S., Zakharova Y.V.


The article studies the problems of financing innovation by enterprises and their impact on the effectiveness of implemented innovative projects. The relevance of the work is evidenced by the priority of the problem of maintaining and strengthening the innovative development of Russia against the background of the unstable economic, political and epidemiological situation in the country and in the world. The article presents a study of the cost structure of innovative activities of organizations. A correlation analysis of the dependence of the innovation performance indicator on the costs of enterprises for innovation activities, involving the calculation of the Pearson correlation coefficient, is performed. The reliability of the revealed correlation was verified. The results of the study allow us to conclude that there is a direct correlation and a high strength of the relationship between the volume of innovation financing and their effectiveness. A set of measures is proposed to address the issues of financial support for innovative projects on the basis of improving the system of state support for innovation, as well as the formation of new digital tools and the development of infrastructure for digital platforms for financing innovation activities. A system of measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of innovations has also been developed, where one of the main provisions is the development of the intellectual potential of the scientific sphere and the system of cooperation between all participants in the innovation process.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):69-77
pages 69-77 views


Development of a system for evaluating innovation and investment project efficiency at industrial enterprises

Matveeva Y.V., Chigwanda M.T., Matveeva V.P.


Innovation is a multi-varied phenomenon that involves all spheres of technological, economic, and social activity, from research and development to investment, production, and application. In innovation management, the relationship between innovation and efficiency is the key issue. In this report, therefore, we elaborate on a method for measuring efficiency in the innovation process. The core of our concept of efficiency is the link between the efficiency of the production unit that has adopted an innovation (dynamic efficiency) and the efficiency of the entire production field within which production units must act (average efficiency). The development of relative efficiency is connected to differences between basic, improvement-related, and pseudo innovations and to the decision-making environment for managers. Factors influencing innovative activities follow a continuum of efficacy ranging from inhibiting to strongly promoting innovative activities. Looking at the innovation process from the standpoint of the innovating system, we distinguish major determinants of performance and then compare the performance of industrial organizations through a profile showing these determinants in research and development, production, and marketing and in management at all stages.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):78-87
pages 78-87 views


Codes of ethics for the profession of the HR manager

Solovyova S.V., Solovova N.V.


The focus of the article is on the problems of ethical regulation of professional activities of an HR manager. The purpose of the article is to explicate the ethical principles and norms of the professional activity of a personnel management specialist through the analysis of the ethical codes of HRM. Professional processes in personnel management are considered in the broad context of ethical transformations in the economy and the industrial revolution 4.0 / 5.0, including through an appeal to the phenomenon of new ethics, which causes serious changes in the value bases of business processes. Conflicts and difficulties are identified in theoretical research, real practices of moral and value regulation in professional HRM communities. The article presents the results of a theoretical study of the topic: the definition of the category "ethical code of the profession" is given, its components are shown, and possible grounds for the typology of ethical codes are highlighted. Based on the analysis of the codes of professional associations (AHRI, CIPD, CPHR, SHRM), the regulatory principles and norms that organize the activities of HRM are explicated; the conclusion is made about the value of ethical codes as a form of recognition of the dignity and reputation of the profession associated with human resource management. The semantic core of the HRM Code of Ethics is: its structure (built around the principles of professional ethics, articulates a system of requirements and norms, designates the area of responsibility); the principle of professionalism as the core of the ethical regulation of professional relations in personnel management (high competence combined with responsibility); the values of the first order (honesty, justice, legality, confidentiality, inclusiveness and tolerance) are highlighted, their connection with the processes of ethical transformation of the information society is shown.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):88-94
pages 88-94 views

A new model of personnel training in the digital economy

Shirinkina E.V.


This study was conducted in the context of the emergence of the need for professional retraining in Russia and the world. The article conducted a research for scientific and practical research on the following key questions: why professional retraining has become a burning issue for organizations; what retraining models are used by organizations. The purpose of the work is to identify a list of socio-economic trends in the formation of an acute need for retraining. The empirical basis of the study was information prepared on the basis of open statistical data from Rosstat and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as resources of analytical publications and scientific publications, including materials from international organizations, leading consulting companies, global associations, leading educational institutions and other active participants in the global educational environment and labor market experts. The collected material allows us to see the general trends in the implementation of professional retraining programs and to formulate certain conclusions. The novelty of the research is to present a new model of personnel retraining, as the integration of business, higher education and the state. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it will allow companies in the face of new technological challenges to combine business needs with the fundamental training of a specialist for his movement along a new career path. At the level of organizations and the state, it will help to overcome the emerging personnel and skills gaps by creating massive retraining programs. The tools of this transformation will create an environment in which employees themselves can keep up with the pace of change, produce new solutions faster than competitors, increase their expertise and build a reputation.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):95-102
pages 95-102 views


On the calculation of the effective capitalization ratio for a one-factor manufacturing enterprise

Ilyina E.A., Saraev L.A.


The published article proposes a new economic-mathematical model of the development dynamics of a one-factor enterprise, the restoration of the production resource of which is ensured by capitalization of profits. The features of this model are that to calculate the profit of the enterprise, a production function with variable resource elasticity and an exponential function of production costs are used. To calculate the amortization of a production resource, a differential equation is formulated, the solutions of which can describe the cases of proportional, progressive and digressive amortization. It is shown that the efficiency of the enterprise development dynamics depends on the choice of the value of the capitalization coefficient. An unsuccessful choice of this coefficient does not allow the company to ensure its maximum profit. An equation has been obtained for calculating the effective capitalization ratio, using which the enterprise is guaranteed to enter the operating mode with maximum profit. Variants of enterprise development dynamics for proportional, progressive and digressive amortization charges are considered. Various modes of operation of enterprises are shown, which include stable output by enterprises, temporary suspension of enterprises for the period of its technical re-equipment, and temporary partial curtailment of production.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):103-119
pages 103-119 views

Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of the «SMART MONITORING» system for the equipment of Russian railways infrastructure facilities

Gluhov V.P., Skiba M.V.


The article proposes economic justification of application of «SMART MONITORING» system for surveillance of equipment of Russian Railways (RZhD) infrastructure facilities. The paper analyzes the costs of electricity in the operation of heat curtains and equipment with high-energy consumption. «SMART MONITORING» system allows to perform digital transformation of signals from analog sensors of temperature, humidity and other climatic parameters, to accumulate, systematize and present in a convenient form for further processing. The article illustrates possible applications of the system for monitoring and analyzing the operation of various groups of equipment providing the life cycle of buildings and structures of Russian Railways. The article shows the ratio of costs for the creation of the system «SMART MONITORING» and the resulting savings in resources. Application of «SMART MONITORING» system will give an opportunity to save electric power and labor resources. The system allows to get the detailed analytics of electric power expenses, due to which it is possible to make the mode of operation of electric equipment optimal and has the functionality, which allows to calculate different parameters. The authors conclude that this surveillance system will significantly improve the efficiency of electrical equipment, using modern industry approaches to solve the problems of its operation, namely IoT technologies and cloud storage and data processing technologies.

Vestnik of Samara University. Economics and Management. 2022;13(1):120-131
pages 120-131 views

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