Vol 18, No 4 (2023)



Povarov I.S.


the work presents a comprehensive analysis of the requirements of art. 166 (paragraph 4 part 2) of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, forming the normative core of the institution of voidable transactions confirmation (known to many foreign legal systems and required in acts of international private law unification); the rehabilitation mechanism for approving a defective transaction by its participant (which has a wide scope of application) is studied, first of all, from the point of view of the essence, conditions and methods of expressing the will to maintain the force of a contested transaction, as well as the legal effects generated by the act of confirmation. The methodological basis of the study was made up of general theoretical (formal and dialectical logic) and specific scientific (legal-dogmatic, comparative legal, interpretation of legal norms, etc.) methods. As a result, the author, in particular, does not exclude a possible narrowing of the scope of use of the construct from the point of view of the range of grounds for contestability; questions the a priori exclusion of third parties from the number of subjects of confirmation; in general, he has a positive assessment of the «liberalism» of the legislator when deciding on ways to express the will to maintain the force of a fatal deal; reveals the meaning of the retroactivity of the «healing» confirmation (non-generation of a new transaction); indicates the unacceptability of qualification as an act of proper confirmation of the statement about the preservation of the validity of the transaction on the changed terms.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(4):7-15
pages 7-15 views

Certain problems of pledging of issuer’s options

Maksimkin Y.А., Ryazanova V.V.


The article discusses the issue of the legal nature of the issue of securities. The approaches to the essence of the issue of securities existing in civil law science are critically examined. The authors come to the conclusion that the issue of securities is a complex legal-forming factual composition with a consistent accumulation of elements. The article proves that the issue of securities has two aspects: target and structural-substantive. There are five essential features of the issue of securities. The features of the issue of securities are the structured nature of the actions of the subjects of the legal relations under consideration, the staged nature of their actions, the focus on introducing securities into circulation, the regulation by mandatory legal norms, the participation of a subject endowed with authority in relation to subjects not subordinate to him. Methodological basis: general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, from the abstract to the concrete; private scientific methods – formal legal and structural legal.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(4):16-23
pages 16-23 views

Review of judicial acts on newly discovered or new circumstances in civil and arbitration proceedings

Pushkina A.S.


the scientific article analyzes the norms of the arbitration and civil procedure legislation of the Russian Federation governing the procedural procedure for reviewing judicial acts that have entered into force under new and newly discovered circumstances. In the course of a comparative legal analysis of certain procedural norms in Russian procedural codes, we came to the conclusion that certain regulatory provisions need to be improved and detailed, taking into account existing judicial practice and the need to ensure the accessibility and consistency of this procedural institution.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(4):24-33
pages 24-33 views

Activities of the prosecutor when resolving the issue of initiating a criminal case

Drobinin D.V., Barsukova A.А.


The article discusses the powers of the prosecutor at the initial stage of the criminal process, at the stage of initiating a criminal case. A prosecutor is a participant in criminal proceedings who carries out the function of criminal prosecution. The powers enshrined in law enable the prosecutor to promptly and actively respond to violations of the law and at the stage of pre-investigation check when deciding whether to initiate a criminal case, including the right to cancel an illegal decision and correct mistakes made by the investigation and inquiry. The prosecutor finds violations of the law in the actions of the preliminary investigation bodies and topics protects the rights of victims.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(4):34-39
pages 34-39 views

Investigative errors in criminal procedures

Kuzovenkova Y.А., Ulyanov I.N.


the article deals with the concept, essence and signs of investigative errors, analyzes their various classifications taking into account the specifics of their content, identifies the causes of investigative errors, as well as the main components of the mechanism for eliminating investigative errors, in particular judicial control, prosecutorial supervision and departmental control.

Juridical Analytical Journal. 2023;18(4):40-49
pages 40-49 views