Semiotic studies

Semioticheskie  issledovanija

Quarterly peer-review academic journal


The journal "Semiotic studies" (Semioticheskie issledovanija) is a scientific periodical highlighting the issues of general semiotics and adjacent disciplines. The sign, sign process and its agenda, significs (semantics), syntactics and pragmatics as the measurements of semiosis, material realization of a sign - the research areas of the published papers.

The journal is focused on the interdisciplinary synthesis of theoretical and practical knowledge implemented within the framework of philosophy, literature studies and sociology.

The aim of the journal is studying, implementing and promoting the semiotic approach to researching into the reality.

The objectives of the journal – developing the international, interdisciplinary research space in terms and models of general semiotics, maintaining the current state of the classical heritage and new ideas' testing of semiotic thought, developing and application of semiotic analysis and interpretation patterns in philosophical, literature and sociological knowledge.

The journal is included by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation into the list of peer-reviewed scientifi c publications, where the main scientifi c results of theses for the Candidate of Sciences degree, for the Doctor of Sciences degree should be published starting 31.05.2023. The journal is included into the RSCI bibliographic database ( Public Electronic Library).

The mass media registration certificate ПИ No. ФС77-79678 as of 27.11.2010 is issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media.

Journal founder

Samara National Research University


Current Issue

Vol 4, No 2 (2024)

Full Issue


How to Make Peace – Alexander Kluge‘s Philosophy of Technology
Nordmann A.

Alexander Kluge does not call himself a philosopher, yet his artistic work, filmmaking, and journalism reveal significant ideas related to the philosophy of technology. This paper offers an introduction to the philosophy of Kluge, our contemporary, through the prism of Jürgen Habermas's ideas. They both develop approaches of the Frankfurt School. Habermas develops a critical theory of discourse and communicative reason. Kluge develops a critical theory of feeling and instrumental reason.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):8-18
pages 8-18 views
Technical Cannibalism as a Technical and Philosophical Phenomenon
Gordova A.F., Tverdynin N.M.

The issues related to such a multifunctional phenomenon for man-made society as technical cannibalism are considered. Technical cannibalism is analyzed both in the historical aspect and within the framework of the discourse between reductionist and holistic approaches. Technical cannibalism as a phenomenon is a construct in which the interaction and merging of many factors, which are both directly related to technology and technique (“Technics”), and influential with respect to the scientific and technological progress in general. These are social, economic factors, and –as seen in the last few decades – the factors related to changes in the environmental situation and many others. The article attempts to consider this complex set of interactions and mutual influences in both historical and technical and social aspects. The positive aspects of technical cannibalism in technical creativity and restoration work are revealed. It is shown that technical and technological activities have led to a change in the perception of attitudes towards objects and structures that are created by the secondary use of certain parts and materials, and this process itself can result not only in the deterioration (pollution) of the environment, but also in its improvement.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):19-26
pages 19-26 views
Man and Machine: the Limits of Human Nature in the Context of Stanislaw Lem's Science Fiction Works
Gurov O.N., Zvyagintsev M.M.

The article presents some philosophical ideas of Stanislaw Lem regarding the limits of human nature in the context of scientific and technological progress. The writer's views on the problems of artificial intelligence, machine consciousness, interaction between "our own" and "alien", cyborgization and virtualization of human existence are analyzed. Parallels between Lem's ideas and the concepts of modern philosophers (D. Chalmers, D. Dennett, D. Haraway, N. Bostrom) are identified. The relevance of ethical dilemmas raised in Lem's work is emphasized for comprehending the prospects of human development in the era of development and spread of technology. The significance of Lem's heritage for the development of a new rationality necessary for the preservation of human identity in the conditions of rapid scientific and technological progress is argued.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):27-34
pages 27-34 views
Ritual Behavior as One of the Foundations of Mathematics in Fiction and Reality
Serikov A.E.

The Machineries of Empire cycle by American science fiction writer Yoon Ha Lee consists of more than 30 works, including three novels translated into Russian. The metaphysics of the universe in this cycle is something like this: the laws of nature and, accordingly, the operation of certain technologies (including military ones) depend on the mathematical properties of the calendar being practiced, and the properties of the calendar (i. e. mathematics) are supported by the practice of rituals, including ritual torture. Lee's fiction paradoxically combines the usually counterposed ideas that mathematics can be a social construct and that the physical world can be merely a realization of transcendental mathematics. In Machineries of Empire, mathematics is constructed, maintained by ritual-based consensus, and as a result becomes the basis of reality. How can this relate to our life, our science and philosophy? If we take seriously the ideas of the cognitive scientists that all real mathematics as we know it, unlike Plato's mathematics, is based on human ability and experience, we must also seriously ask what role ritual plays in it. This article emphasizes the following idea: the very identification of numbers, geometric figures and mathematical operations must arise through repeated ritual repetition so that those who practice mathematical rituals can easily, as a self-evident and obvious aspect of the ritual, identify properties of objects that are significant from a mathematical point of view and distinguish them from non-essential ones.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):35-42
pages 35-42 views


The Poetics of the Ecstatic Within the Boundaries of the Novel: "The Secret History" by D. Tartt
Aleksandrova A.A.

The article suggests a way of interpreting a literary text in terms of the poetics of the ecstatic, as well as an analysis of ways to describe a character on the edge, formed by such poetics. The artistic space in the novel “The Secret History” can be seen as an experimental field for depicting the dramatic experience of the characters, who consciously decided to ignore the boundaries of conventional morality. The path towards the edge of morality, created by the ecstatic experience, has a correlation with going beyond the geographical borders, the appearance of "holes" in the chronotope, the inaccessible places of sacrament. The narrator’s consciousness, who verbalizes this experience, finds itself on the border of two poles of morality – good and evil. The problem of verbalizing his experience into thinking patterns is solved by the narrator via borrowing means of expression from other characters that also found themselves on the other side of the good (from books by Dante, Dostoevsky). But the anti-moral world is possible only if there is a stable image of what is good, which is realized in the novel form, which gravitates towards the image of the averaged everyday material, balanced structures. An additional confirmation of traditional values are the genres of popular literature – 
the detective story and the academic novel – thanks to which the poetics of the ecstatic is neutralized.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):43-50
pages 43-50 views
Correspondence of M. Gorky with Samara Children and Teenagers
Kudrina E.V.

The article deals with letters from children and adolescents of the city of Samara and the Samara region in the 1920s and 1930s addressed to M. Gorky and preserved in the Archive of A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The geographical principle of material selection made it possible to significantly narrow down the extensive topic of Gorky's correspondence with children. Using the example of several epistolary texts, typical images of the writer's children's correspondents are identified and considered. The literary, sociological and local history aspects of correspondence are investigated. Letters from children and teenagers clearly demonstrated the changes in society. The letter of D.F. Shaposhnikov and its appendix are the documentary evidence of the serious work of educational and cultural institutions of the country aimed at forming a thoughtful reader, organizing purposeful reading, as well as guiding readers' interests in the 1930s. The presented research is interdisciplinary in nature and will be interesting to a wide variety of specialists. The letters of the young Samara correspondents are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):51-60
pages 51-60 views
The "Indian Paradox" in theWorks of I.A. Bunin
Karpenko G.Y., Mishra P.

Researchers of I.A. Bunin's life and work are faced with an obvious paradox: the writer, who is in love with Indian culture, has never been to India, but colorful images, religious and philosophical sentiments, anthropological and historiosophical ideas associated with the ancient civilization are reflected in his works. The article examines the peculiarities of the formation of the "Indian code" in Bunin's work, the artistic axiology that determined the conceptualization of literary material. 
Bunin's first impressions of contemplation of the Indian Ocean and Ceylon are biblically, religiously colored: they are combined with impressions of "sacred texts", where the world is value- and hierarchically centered by God in the space of Paradise. It was in this space – in the place of Creation – that Bunin psychomentally found himself, and the "Indian code" is formed in the combination of natural and sacred, personal and sacred, as a special measure that determined the writer's dominant attitude to the world in the categories of "vital kinship" and "universal responsiveness", in the images of "uterine brotherhood", "the cradle of humanity" and spiritual and cultural kinship with the ancestral homeland.
Bunin's "Indian Paradox" reveals the spiritual and cultural potential of the Russian national identity, which makes it possible to significantly correct the Eurocentric model of worldview and world-building and can naturally be in demand with respect to solving anthropological and civilizational problems of modern society. 

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):61-68
pages 61-68 views
Semiotics of Self-identification in the 1930s Ego-documents (the Example of Isabella Grinevskaya’s Archive)
Sarycheva C.V.

The present paper aims to explore the development of the personal, literary and civil self-identification of the writer Isabella Grinevskaya in her ego-documents. The research material was the correspondence of Grinevskaya with the director of the Central Literary Museum Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich and her memoirs she transferred to the museum, which for the most part were written simultaneously with the discussion of transferring them to the museum in the 1930s. In the article, for the first time, documents transferred to the museum are examined from the point of view of the semiotic mechanism of building self-identification as a result of the collision of the personal will of the owner and the state system on the part of the museum. The study revealed differences in the perception of personal documents by the museum director and the writer. Grinevskaya saw her special role in literature as a witness to outstanding contemporaries, while Bonch-Bruevich equated her with other owners of archives, demanded that she serve the state cause of building a museum, civil consciousness, the manifestation of which he considered the act of transferring personal papers to the museum. As shown in the article, in the transmitted memoirs the writer tried to reconcile civil and personal identity not only at the level of content, where signs of devotion to the state and reflection on literary work can be outlined, but also in the structure and composition of the narrative.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):69-77
pages 69-77 views


Personal Strategies to Risk Prevention and Reacting
Mantarova A.I.

The topic of risks is particularly relevant in today's dynamic society, in which processes and phenomena are closely interconnected on a wide scale, and changes in one or other links of the chain of social interactions give rise to numerous subsequent effects. The study of risks is particularly important for social practice due to the need to develop effective strategies for prevention and minimizing negative consequences.
The most generally formulated research task that the present work sets itself is to highlight the main social risks in today's Bulgarian society, to establish how vulnerability to them is assessed, what are the personal strategies for prevention and reaction, what are the expectations towards the state and how people evaluate its relevant actions.
The work presents and analyzes the results of two empirical sociological studies: a nationally representative one of the population over 18 and a study among representatives of small businesses. In the focus of attention are risks to physical security and material well-being. The main lines of analysis are risk perception, assessment, personal reaction strategies, expectations of state actions, evaluation of these actions.
The obtained results are valuable as presenting the picture of the issues of interest to us at a time of increased dynamics and uncertainty, saturated with intense risks of different origin and durability.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):78-91
pages 78-91 views
Hotel Business and Hospitality in the Sociological Optics of Study
Eremicheva G.V., Menshikova G.A., Shouquan H.

The growth in the volume of the hotel business, the increase in its importance as a sector of the economy that generates income and creates jobs, predetermined the need for a theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of hotel services. Foreign science has deeper traditions and better-formulated approaches from a sociological perspective with respect to the study of hotels: historical, as the development of forms and practices of hospitable behavior, a reflection of cultural norms and traditions; practical studies of hotels as an enterprise, a place of work, and an element of urban infrastructure. The article presents various most notable conceptual developments of both foreign and domestic researchers in this area, as well as the results of our own research carried out using the method of content analysis of Russian specialized magazines on hotel business issues. The data allows us to say that the integration of the principles of hospitality into the commercial sector, the role and specificity of emotionality in service for Russian hoteliers, unlike the Chinese ones, are not yet paramount. The technical side of service and the professionalization of personnel seem to them to be a more significant indicator. However, a substantive analysis of a number of articles on the topic in question as well as interviews with hospitality workers and clients indicates that the ethical elements and principles of hospitality are becoming increasingly important in this area.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):92-101
pages 92-101 views
Proactivity and Oroactive Behavior of Poor Students: Studying Explicit and Implicit Attitudes
Egorova S.V., Zorina S.V.

The article presents the results of an interdisciplinary study examining the explicit and implicit attitudes of proactivity and proactive behavior of low-income students. The authors highlight the main approaches to the analysis of proactivity and proactive behavior, and substantiate the connection between proactivity and the possibility of forming individual trajectories of action to escape poverty. To study implicit attitudes, a brief implicit association test was used, which is a computer task of classifying stimuli belonging to two categories of proactivity and passivity and two attributes of positive and negative valence. The test used in sociological and psychological research is aimed at measuring the latency of an individual’s reaction, reflects the strength of associations between presented words and indicates the presence of implicit attitudes. The test results confirmed the same level of expression of implicit attitudes among low-income and non-poor students. To study explicit attitudes, an in-depth interview method was used with low-income students. The study showed the formation of positive explicit and implicit attitudes of proactive behavior among Samara University students. In conclusion, it is concluded that low-income students have formed explicit and implicit attitudes of proactive behavior, which can be prerequisites for overcoming poverty and their successful social adaptation.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):102-113
pages 102-113 views


Pushkin' Tradition of Analysing Gender Relations
Kozyrkov V.P.

The article reveals the specificity of Pushkin's artistic analysis of gender relations. “Duty bequeathed from God” – it is these words of Pimen that Pushkin referred to as the mission of the poet in Russian culture. Thus he gave a model for the development of all spiritual culture, including social sciences. The role of Pushkin's tradition in the formation of the science of gender relations is revealed. It is for Pushkin that special attention to the problems of male-female relations is characteristic. In this regard, the interrelation of studies of gender and private life is analyzed. The analysis of Pushkin's tradition of studying gender relations leads the author of the article to the conclusion that in Russian society they exist as a contradictory phenomenon. The development of Pushkin's approach to the analysis of gender by Pushkin himself is examined. The key to revealing the contradictory nature of gender in Pushkin is the human home. Contradictions of gender are demonstrated in the article by analyzing a number of examples from Pushkin's heritage by analyzing the parody of gender. Examples from the works of A. Blok and M. Gorky, who developed Pushkin's tradition. In the view of the totality of the problems considered, the research required a dialectical and interdisciplinary approach.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):114-122
pages 114-122 views


On the Fruits of Distant Learning and the Prospects of Higher Education. Review of the Monograph by D. Rogozin and O. Solodovnikova "The Zoom Platform and Madness in Higher Education"
Chetyrova L.B.

The introduction of the review characterizes the database on which the study is based and formulates the task that the authors of the monograph put forward. The main part of the review is devoted to characterizing the conclusions that the authors come to when considering the results of digitalization in higher education today. Consideration of university teachers' attitudes towards distance education and hybrid model of learning in a broader context, including socio-economic factors, is positively evaluated. Consideration of the teacher-administration theme in their relationship to distance and to each other is important. Shortcomings regarding the sample are noted, which calls into question some of the findings regarding regional and demographic differences.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):123-126
pages 123-126 views

Information. News. Events

“Samara text in Russian Literature. At the Origins of the Ancestral Home”: All-Russian Conference Dedicated to the 140th Anniversary of “Samarskaya Gazeta” and the 160th Anniversary of E.N. Chirikov (18–19 April 2024, Samara)
Ivanova V.N., Perepelkin M.А., Tutelova L.G.

The article is devoted to a scientific event – the All-Russian scientific conference “Samara text in Russian literature. At the Origins of the ancestral home”, dedicated to the 140th anniversary of “Samarskaya Gazeta” and the 160th anniversary of E.N. Chirikov. A brief review of the conference results, the main topics and problems touched upon by the participants in their reports is given.

Semiotic studies. 2024;4(2):127-131
pages 127-131 views

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