Improvement of municipal service personnel in the 21st century (through E-education and Distant educational technologies)

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An important process within the framework of personality socialization under modern conditions is the process of improving the individual's competencies in the mode of expanding their spectrum and improving the quality level throughout life. At the same time, in a dynamic environment of professional activity, a person has in some cases to radically change his trajectory of professional development. All above-mentioned circumstances are included in the concepts of "lifelong learning". For many categories of employees, this process is associated with great organizational difficulties: the composition of competencies has a complex structure, changes occur quite often, opportunities for personal development are limited due to the conditions of professional activity. One of these categories are state and municipal servants who have a high need to improve their managerial and communicative competencies but are limited by the rigid framework of their official activities. A constructive solution to ensure the improvement of municipal service personnel is the organization and implementation of professional retraining and advanced training programs for employees with extensive use of e-education and distant learning technologies. It is equally important to stimulate employees' own activity in choosing the content and forms of competences' development.

About the authors

Revekka M. vulfovich

North-West Institute of Management branch of RANEPA

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1303-9057

Doctor of political science, professor, professor of the Department for Public Administration

Russian Federation


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