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The article analyzes the problem of the history of feelings of the largest urban class in the Russian Empire, bourgeoisie. The events of everyday life of the townspeople of Russian cities are studied on the basis of achievements of one of the fastest growing areas in modern historical science – «history of emotions». Dialogues of burghers with the power on various occasions of their daily life were permeated with emotions. You can study the lives of people on dry recorded in various sources of facts. And you can study people’s lives in the context of their emotional experiences of life. Class status and the ensuing obligations, circumstances could cause collective emotions, for example, the emotion of grief because of the recruitment duty, or because of the need to pay taxes, because of passport dependence on local authorities, etc. The degree of severity of emotional sphere of petty–bourgeois life can be focused in the cultural sign of «cruel romance» («petty–bourgeois romance»). In any case, this article is the first experience in the historiography of analysis of the collective class emotion of bourgeoisie, focused on the main points of bourgeois everyday life – in the framework of this article, mainly recruitment. Recruit was lost to society. So parting with recruit is similar to crying about a dead man. Legitimate, for the most part, petty-bourgeois, as a rule, could avoid recruitment with the help of «volunteers» or family belongings’ separating. That is, passive acceptance of the inevitable is another general emotional state. The study of the class of emotions allows you to identify the mentality of society and compare with the image of the petty-bourgeois, which was created by Russian artistic literature and being denounced by intelligentsia.

About the authors

Z. M. Kobozeva

Samara National Research University, 34, Moskovskoye shosse

Author for correspondence.
Email: morenov@ssau.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310

Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor of the Faculty of History, Department of Russian History


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Copyright (c) 2018 Kobozeva Z.M.

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