- Authors: Ponomareva O.V.1, Ilyukhina N.A.1
- Samara National Research University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 135-142
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 6361
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The article presents, on the material of artistic texts, linguistic ways of reflecting the inner world of a person in a state of narcotic intoxication and his perception of the surrounding reality with a view to evaluating these methods from the point of view of specifics compared to methods of reflecting different types of internal state of a person which is normal in the Russian linguistic view of the world. Special attention is paid to the ways of textual reflection of certain phenomena characteristic of the state of drug intoxication: «personality split-up», «space duplication», hallucinations.
According to the results of the study, a conclusion is made that there are no specific methods of depicting the state of drug intoxication and the person’s perception of the surrounding world in this state: in some cases, metaphorical images are used that are typical for displaying different variants of the emotional, mental, and physiological state in the Russian language world picture in others, typical ways of describing various forms of an altered state of consciousness, known to each person and widely represented in various types of discourse, are involved, including in literary texts: dreams, memories, fantasies, poor health, etc.
The analysis revealed differences in the assessment of some of the depicted aspects of perception of reality from the standpoint of the person experiencing them, and from the standpoint of the reader. In certain cases (when describing hallucinations, etc.), the means perceived by the reader as figurative (metaphorical) reflect the impressions that are real for the subject of this state, perceived by him sentimentally, in this case the corresponding means are not assessed equally by the speaker (narrator) and by the reader.
About the authors
O. V. Ponomareva
Samara National Research University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7045-4310
Master’s degree student of the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication
N. A. Ilyukhina
Samara National Research University
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6727-8184
Doctor of Philological Sciences, professor, head of the Department of Russian Language and Mass Communication
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