To the study of basic indicators of the development of innovative activity of enterprises of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the reasons affecting the dynamics of indicators of implementation and development of innovative activity at aircraft manufacturing enterprises, using the example of actual indicators of innovative activity of the united aircraft building corporation. Based on the dynamics of target performance indicators, the author proposes options for sectoral transformations that should contribute to an increase in the efficiency of both qualitative and quantitative data on the development of innovative activity at aircraft manufacturing enterprises, a reduction in production cycles, a positive dynamics of the turnover of working capital and a decrease in the loan portfolio of sectoral economic entities. The data on the volume of investments at the enterprises of the united aircraft building corporation from 2012 to 2019, taking into account the volume of government contracts and investment payments, are presented. The analysis of the activities of aircraft manufacturing enterprises revealed significant shortcomings in the development of innovative activity:
a low number of new innovative developments; underdevelopment of the innovation infrastructure; outdated material and technical base requiring modernization; lack of experience in organizing R&D; essential requirements for product certification. In modern conditions, domestic companies in the aviation industry cannot function without the use of new R&D methods, science-intensive technologies, which leads to a deepening of the specialization processes of aviation science.

About the authors

Alexei V. Yakunin

Joint Stock Company Aviaagregat

Author for correspondence.

head of the Bureau of Allied Industries

Russian Federation, 55 a, Zavodskoe shosse


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