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In the published article, a generalization of the mathematical model of the diffusion of consumer innovations in the market with a variable total volume, developed by the authors, is proposed for the case of periodic seasonal changes in the number of potential buyers. A system has been built, consisting of diffusion equations for an innovative product, taking into account periodic fluctuations in the number of market participants, and equations for changing the total number of potential buyers of an innovative product.

About the authors

Elena A. Ilyina

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: elenaalex.ilyina@yandex.ru

сandidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor of the Department
of Mathematics and Business Informatics

Russian Federation

Alena Yu. Parfenova

Samara National Research University

Email: egorovaalena@inbox.ru

senior Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics and Business Informatics

Russian Federation

Leonid A. Saraev

Samara National Research University

Email: saraev_leo@mail.ru

doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, head of the Department
of Mathematics and Business Informatics

Russian Federation


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Supplementary files

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Abstract: 1326

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  1. Радченко ��, Radchenko VP, Саушкин ��, Saushkin MN. К 70-летию со дня рождения профессора Леонида Александровича Сараева. Вестник Самарского государственного технического университета. Серия «Физико-математические науки». 2023;27(2):207. doi: 10.14498/vsgtu2020



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