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The main problem in assessing the investment attractiveness of agricultural organizations is the search for a valuation technique. Due to the lack of research into the category of «investment attractiveness of agricultural enterprises», at the moment there is no single methodology for its evaluation, which would contain a specific list of indicators that allow unambiguous interpretation of the results obtained in the course of analysis. The research presents and discusses in detail the main economic indicators of the «integrated» model for assessing the region's attractiveness to the investments of agricultural organizations. The article studies the assessment of latent (hidden, internal) characteristics of the investment attractiveness of agricultural organizations (working capacity of workers, technical equipment, competence of the enterprise management and production conditions on the basis of the main components method). Investigations to assess the attractiveness of agricultural areas to investments were carried out in two main stages. The first stage is a preliminary assessment of the selected main components that characterize the main and the principles that affect the level of labor productivity. The second stage comprehensively assesses the investment attractiveness of agricultural areas, taking into account the values of the four main components. This analysis revealed that fluctuations in labor productivity in an enterprise depend primarily on the working capacity of the workers of the enterprise, their technical armament, conditions production and competence of the company's management. Defined Main components that can be used for ranking and classification are defined. Enterprise, which corresponds to the ranking or classification of associated sets of characteristics. For ranking or classification of enterprises, it is necessary to calculate the values of the main components for each of them, which is very important to consider when evaluating investment attractiveness. The proposed integrated assessment of the attractiveness of investments on the basis of the calculated values of the main components allows not only to objectively approach the issue of choosing an investment object, but also significantly reduce the risks of a non-return of investors' financial resources.

About the authors

Peter I. Ogorodnikov

Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Orenburg branch

Author for correspondence.
Email: ofguieuroran@mail.ru

Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, head of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation

Elena P. Guseva

Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Orenburg branch

Email: ofguieuroran@mail.ru

research associate of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Петр Иванович Огородников, Елена Петровна Гусева

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