Vol 26, No 4 (2023)

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Peculiarities of the spectrum of reflected and transmitted light of circular polarization for a thin layer of an anisotropic wurtzite-type crystal near phonon resonance

Yatsishen V.V., Borodina I.I.


Background. Polaritons attract the attention of researchers and engineers with their unique properties and promising applications in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics. Such applications could include devices such as transistors or even polaritons lasers, as have been reported in the scientific literature.

Aim. The work analyzes the frequency reflection spectra upon excitation of polaritons, and also considers the change in the polarization ellipse upon reflection of circularly polarized light from an anisotropic crystal.

Methods. Based on the wave equation in an anisotropic medium, a dispersion equation for polaritons is derived. To calculate energy reflection coefficients using the characteristic matrix method.

Results. An aluminum nitride AlN crystal was chosen as the object of analysis. It is shown that the use of circularly polarized incident radiation makes it possible, using an anisotropic crystal, to change the nature of polarization from circular to almost linear polarization.

Conclusion. The found dependence of the polarization of reflected light can be used in electronic devices based on polaritons.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):10-16
pages 10-16 views

Analysis of the thermal effect of two external parallel printed circuit board conductors set on a metal base and operating in a space vacuum on each other

Kostin A.V.


Background. The need to analyze the thermal effect of two external parallel conductors is due to an increase in the density of the conductive pattern. For printed circuit boards set on a metal base and operating in the vacuum of space, this need is aggravated by the weakness of the issue's development.

Aim. Analysis of the mutual influence of two external parallel printed circuit board conductors set on a metal base and operating in a space vacuum on each other to identify the dependence of their temperature on the distance between them and determine the distance at which this dependence practically disappears.

Methods. To achieve the purpose, a finite element method calculation implemented in the ANSYS program, the Steady-State Thermal module, was used. Three multilayer printed circuit boards were calculated: 4-layer, 6-layer, 8-layer. The temperature coefficient of resistance was taken into account separately, by recalculation.

Results. Graphs of the dependence of overheating (the difference between the temperature of the printed conductor and the metal base) on the distance between the printed conductors were constructed. The approximation of the obtained results is carried out. According to the approximated dependencies, the minimum values of the distances between printed conductors are found, at which the cross influence of printed conductors practically disappears. As the thickness of the printed circuit board increases, this distance increases.

Conclusion. The results obtained can help to assess the influence of neighboring printed conductors in the design of the boards of the onboard equipment of spacecraft.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):38-47
pages 38-47 views

Frequency criterion for stability «as a whole» of modulation-type pulse voltage converters according to Lyapunov

Dmitrikov V.F., Frid L.E., Petrochenko A.Y., Shushpanov D.V.


Background. The use of methods for researching and designing stable nonlinear dynamic systems by constructing the frequency characteristics of the loop gain of the negative feedback of a pulsed voltage converter through time characteristics obtained by numerical methods for solving nonlinear differential equations that describe electromagnetic processes in the converter takes a lot of time and has low accuracy in calculating optimal modes, when you need to calculate hundreds of options.

Aim. Therefore, it seems necessary to further develop the theory of stability of modulation-type pulse voltage converters using frequency stability criteria, Lyapunov functions, amplitude and phase frequency characteristics of the converter loop gain.

Methods. Stability in the «small» is solved using linearized models, which are constructed using the so-called first Lyapunov method - the «first approximation» method. The second method for studying the stability of nonlinear dynamic systems is the harmonic linearization method, when the nonlinear element is replaced by a harmonically linearized link with a transmission coefficient only for the first harmonic.

Results. The Lyapunov function for a pulse voltage converter with nonlinear relay-type elements was found. Conclusion. The results obtained in the work make it possible to simplify the design of Lyapunov-stable pulse voltage converters through the use of the method of amplitude-frequency characteristics used for stationary linear systems.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):17-37
pages 17-37 views

The wireless communications systems in subterahertz frequency range

Biryukov V.V., Vaks V.L., Kapustin S.A., Malakhov V.A., Panin A.N., Pripolzin S.I., Raevskiy A.S., Raevskaya Y.V., Shcherbakov V.V.


Background. The subterahertz and terahertz frequency ranges are very promising for development of high speed wireless communications systems because of possibility to get the bandwidth about some tens of GHz, which provides the high channel capacity. However fast signal attenuation at its propagation in atmosphere complicate the operation of communications systems in these ranges.

Aim. Use of fixed narrow-beam antennas with high antenna power gain allows to provide the direct surface communications distance to some kilometers. The communications distance limitation can be partially removed decreasing the frequency down to 200 GHz and narrowing the channel bandwidth down to some GHz.

Methods.The model of transmitter-receiver system (200-220 GHz) based of modern semiconductor devices is described in the manuscript. Results. The possibility of digital signals transmission with speed up to 1 Gbit/s at the distance of 1 km is experimentally shown.

Conclusion. According to calculations the output power of transmitter about some hundreds mW is enough for data transmission at the distance up to 1.5 km with antenna power gain of no less than 50 dB.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):48-59
pages 48-59 views

Active and passive sensors for diagnostics quasi-zenith ionospheric HF communication channels

Ivanov D.V., Ivanov V.A., Ryabova N.V., Elsukov A.A.


Background. There is a growing need for active sensory diagnostics of partial HF channels to provide frequency support to quasi-zenith HF radio links in varying signal propagation conditions. Enhancing the efficiency of active sensor algorithms, particularly by reducing emission time, is topical. To address this, a transition from sequential to parallel (simultaneous) diagnostics is proposed. Another significant challenge in HF communication is narrowband interference, and overcoming this issue involves the method of passive sensory diagnostics. This method assesses the availability of partial channels by analyzing the spectral density of interference power within them.

Aim. The goal of this study is to develop algorithms and software tools that implement spectral monitoring and parallel sensing of partial channels for sensory diagnostics of ionospheric channels in quasi-zenith HF communication.

Methods. The proposed approach involves integrating dynamic diagnostic methods into the development of intelligent sensors for ionospheric HF radio links, along with the creation of data analysis methods. Specialized computer software is employed to address the defined tasks. Experimental studies are conducted using the developed devices, which include intelligent active and passive radio sensors for HF radio links, to assess the load on HF communication channels.

Results. A sensor for orthogonal quasi-zenith ionospheric radio channels has been created, incorporating algorithms for synthesizing a group pulse with orthogonal subcarriers while minimizing the peak factor. Additionally, algorithms for separating subcarriers and calculating the correlation function at the reception have been developed. The sensor employs the OFDM-BPSK signal modulation method, enabling operation in simultaneous-sequential sounding mode across the potential frequency range for communication. This led to an 8-fold reduction in the total signal emission time.

Conclusion. The scientific results obtained have broad practical applications, particularly in enhancing the efficiency of wideband HF communication systems using spread spectrum signals.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):60-67
pages 60-67 views

Electromagnetic TE- and TM-waves propagation in a plane waveguide covered with graphene characterized by nonlinear conductivity

Smirnov Y.G., Tikhov S.V.


Background. Guiding properties of waveguiding structures with graphene are of great importance for various applications and have been studied in many papers. In all such studies, graphene was characterized, as a rule, by linear surface conductivity. However, if the intensity of an electromagnetic wave is large enough, the interaction of graphene with the electromagnetic wave becomes nonlinear; in this case, it is more correct to describe graphene by nonlinear conductivity.

Aim. This work is aimed at studying the influence of cubic nonlinearity of graphene, corresponding to the so-called self-action effects (not affecting the frequency of the incident wave), on the propagation of TE- and TM-polarized waves in the structure, which is a plain dielectric layer covered on one side by graphene.

Methods. In this study, the guiding properties of the waveguide are studied using primarily an analytical approach. Thus, from Maxwell's equations, material equations and boundary conditions, a couple of dispersion equations for TE-and TM-polarized waves is derived and then its solvability is studied. In addition, some numerical experiments are carried out in the study.

Results. The dispersion equations of the studied waveguiding structure for TE- and TM-polarized waves are derived in explicit form. Studying analytically obtained equations, conditions for waveguide parameters are found, providing the existence of a given number of waveguide modes. In addition, some numerical results are obtained in the paper, which give an idea of the influence of nonlinear effects on the electromagnetic waves propagating in the structure.

Conclusion. The results obtained in this paper reveal two effects related to the cubic nonlinearity of graphene. Firstly, in a plain dielectric layer with graphene coating in the strong nonlinear regime TE-waves with longer wavelength and TM-waves with shorter wavelength propagate compared to electromagnetic waves that propagate in the same structure in the linear regime. Secondly, the strong cubic nonlinearity leads to a greater localization of the electromagnetic wave within the waveguiding structure.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):68-77
pages 68-77 views

Investigation of mutual coupling coefficients in dual-polarized antenna arrays

Bazhanova O.V., Kononov A.A., Smuseva K.V., Stepkin V.A., Uskov G.K.


Background. Antenna arrays are widely used in various fields of radio engineering, such as radio and telecommunications, satellite communication systems, etc. One of the important characteristics of an antenna array is its radiation pattern. The estimation of impedance matrices, scattering matrices, and partial radiation patterns is usually performed based on the results of numerical electrodynamic modelling. In the case of a large number of antenna elements, such modelling and optimization of the array requires significant time.

Aim. To investigate the mutual coupling between dual- polarised antenna elements included in a linear antenna array.

Methods. Modelling of antenna arrays based on cross-dipole elements was performed using methods of electrodynamic modelling software. The study of the mutual coupling of antenna elements in the antenna array and verification of the developed mathematical model were carried out by numerical methods.

Results. A physical interpretation of that there is no almost interaction between the elements operating in orthogonal polarizations, and the coefficients of mutual coupling decrease with increasing distance between antenna elements is given. Proposed a simplified model of mutual coupling, which reduces the computational complexity of the problem of determining the mutual coupling matrices.

Conclusion. It is developed a mathematical technique that allows to calculate the characteristics of antenna arrays with a large number of antenna elements, meanwhile electrodynamic modelling is carried out only for an isolated antenna element and a two-element array.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):78-87
pages 78-87 views

Properties and technical applications of antenna arrays focused on a broadband signal

Vedenkin D.A., Sedelnikov Y.E.


Background. Currently, antenna arrays focused in the near-radiated field zone are being actively studied. The basic properties and characteristics of focused antenna systems using narrowband signals are known. It is possible to expand the technical capabilities of devices using focused electromagnetic fields through the use of broadband signals. This article is devoted to a description of the properties and a number of technical applications of antenna arrays focused in the near-radiated field zone using a broadband signal.

Aim. The main aim of this article is to describe the basic properties of focused broadband electromagnetic fields and develop practical application options based on them.

Methods. Achieving the goal of the article is due to the use of well-known principles of electrodynamics and aperture theory of antennas.

Results. The features of the formation of focused broadband electromagnetic fields are shown and their main properties are given. Options for the technical application of focused broadband antennas in radio communication and direction finding tasks are proposed.

Conclusion. The results obtained confirm the importance of assessing the properties of broadband focused antennas and developing a number of technical proposals based on them

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):88-94
pages 88-94 views

Application of complex-valued convolutional neural networks for equalization and detection of SEFDM systems

Averina L.I., Kamentsev O.K.


Background. The disadvantage of spectrally efficient signals with frequency multiplexing is the occurrence of intersymbol interference, which is further aggravated when these signals propagate in frequency selective channels.

Aim. The possibility and effectiveness of using neural network approaches for channel equalization and signal detection in communication systems using SEFDM signals has been assessed.

Methods. A receiver structure for SEFDM systems based on a deep complex-valued convolutional neural network is proposed, which allows recovering bits from the temporal representation of the signal without using the fractional Fourier transform and inverting the cross-correlation matrix between frequency subcarriers. A two-stage network training scheme has been developed. Based on simulation modeling, a comparative analysis of the noise immunity of SEFDM systems was carried out both in a channel with white Gaussian noise and in a channel with Rayleigh fading, using classical and neural network receivers.

Results. It is shown that there is no loss of noise immunity in channels with additive white Gaussian noise and an increase in noise immunity of the system up to 2 dB in the channel specified by the extended automotive model (3GPP-EVA).

Conclusion. The effectiveness of using deep neural complex-valued convolutional networks as receivers for spectrally efficient communication systems, as well as their advantage over classical ones, is shown.

Keywords – SEFDM; deep complex-valued convolutional neural network; turbocoding.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2023;26(4):95-103
pages 95-103 views

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