Vol 18, No 2 (2015)


Entanglement for two qubits induced by one-mode thermal field in the presence of the atomic coherence

Bashkirov E., Mastyugin M.


In the prresent paper we have considered the influence of the initial atomic coherence on entanglement dynamics of two qubits one of which is trapped in a lossless cavity and interacts with single-mode thermal field, and the other one can be spatially moved freely outside the cavity. We have shown that the atomic coherence in the model under the consideration can be used for effective control on the degree of the entanglement of qubits.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):6-13
pages 6-13 views

Four-wave radiation converter on the thermal nonlinearity under quasiperpendicular interaction

Akimov A., Ivakhnik V., Kaurov A.


The accuracy of wave-front reversal by four-wave radiation converter on the thermal nonlinearity under quasiperpendicular interaction has been analyzed. The dependencies of the half-width module of point spread function of such converter from divergence of the pump wave and position of the focusing plane of signal wave under quasiperpendicular and quasicollinear interactions have been compared. It is shown, that conversion of radiation in the scheme of quasiperpendicular interaction is higher than in the scheme of quasicollinear interaction.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):14-19
pages 14-19 views

About interaction boron-carbon nanotubes with metal atoms

Boroznin S., Zaporotskova I., Polikarpova N., Zaporotskov P.


We assumed that in our earlier papers that the interaction between some metal atoms and their intercalation inside the nanotube is possible. These facts suggest us that the boron-carbon nanotube may be the new material, which is as well as pure carbon nanotube become the basis of the nanoelelctronic devices. For this reason the continuation of metal adsorption mechanism studying is important. The way of intercalation (doping) of alkaline metal inside the BC3-nanotube and modeling of the regular external adsorption is suggested. Results of researches showed that doping of boron-carbon nanotubes is possible and the electron density is distributed near nanotube surface atoms. Regular external adsorption of the alkaline metal atoms causes decreasing of the energy gap compared with the pure boron-carbon nanotube. So, we can obtain that intercalation of metal atom inside the BC

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):20-24
pages 20-24 views

Dielectric function of boron nanotubes with substitutional defects

Aleksandrov Y., Yatsishen V.


The calculatio of the real and imaginary part of complex dielectric function of boron nanotubes without defects and with substitutional defects was produced by the first principles. The comparison was produced and was shown the essential role of these defects in the response of the structure to electromagnetic field. Using the SIESTA program, the simulating of the interaction of light with substance is carried out.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):25-26
pages 25-26 views

Calculation of efficiency of control of graphene conductivity by the external electric field at teraherz frequency range

Golovanov O., Makeeva G., Varenitca V., Gorelov R.


The calculation of surface conductivity of graphene monolayer determined from the Kubo formulа taking into account in the model the intraband and interband conductivities is performed depending on the frequency. The influence of chemical potential on the surface conductivity of grapheme changed by the external electric field is researched at the teraherz frequency range.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):27-32
pages 27-32 views

Two approaches to the solution of resonance and guiding girotropic filling structures boundary value problems

Mihalitsyn E., Raevsky A., Sedakov A.


The T and L methods of boundary value problems solving to concern electrodynamic girotropic filling structures have been developed in the cylindrical coordinate system. Approaches are based on two linearly independent solutions of the generalized Helmholtz equation of the gyrotropic medium. The complete resonant frequencies spectrum of a cylindrical homogeneous girotropic resonator has been obtained. The eigenwaves dispersion characteristics of a homogeneous gyrotropic radial waveguide have been calculated. The structure transforming effect of electromagnetic fields of a cylindrical homogeneous girotropic resonator eigenmodes with a non-reciprocity parameter sweeping is illustrated in the paper.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):33-41
pages 33-41 views

Influence of the distributed coupling of a waveguide with a disk dielectric resonator with whispering-gallery oscillations on its amplitude-frequency response

Kirichenko A., Golubnichaya G., Krivenko E.


The difference between the spectrum of forced oscillations of disk dielectric resonators (when distributed coupling with dielectric waveguide is used) and eigen oscillations of such resonator is considered. The dependence of the amplitude-frequency response of the resonator, excited on the whispering-gallery modes, upon the value of distributed resonator-waveguide coupling and the role of inter-type interaction at purely internal excitation of extraneous mode is investigated.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):42-47
pages 42-47 views

A method of automatic repeat request using the technology cooperation

Shanturov E.


This paper considers the algorithm of the application technology cooperation with the method of automatic repeat request in mobile communication systems. The calculation of the effectiveness of technology cooperation.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):48-51
pages 48-51 views

The scattering of radio impulses on the opened thin ring with perpendicular its planes pieces at edges of gap

Razin’kov S., Razin’kova O.


On the basis of the numerical solution of the integral and differential equations with existential operators for equivalent axial distributions of currents and charges the analysis of secondary radiation of radio impulses by a mirror and asymmetric element in the form of the opened ring with perpendicular its planes pieces at edges of a gap is carried out. Influence of analytical properties of the bending-around and time-and-frequency parameters of the irradiating signals on the power chart of dispersion of object is investigated.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):52-60
pages 52-60 views

The use of piezotransducers for determining the impact point of high-speed particles on the surface of the spacecraft

Novomejscky D., Telegin A., Semkin N.


Reviewed the question particle using piezotransducers, the principle of piezotransducers, their classification and the equation of the piezoeffect. In addition, given the technique of determining the coordinates of the impact point high-speed particles on the body of the spacecraft.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):61-65
pages 61-65 views

The coordinate measurement accuracy in multi-static forward scattering radar with mobile positions

Fadeyev R., Myakinkov A., Ogurtsov A.


The estimations of potential coordinate measurement accuracy in multi-static forward scattering radar with mobile positions are obtained. The two analytical methods of coordinate measurement are considered. The mathematical modeling results are presented.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):66-71
pages 66-71 views

The effects of aperture angle on the electrodynamic characteristics of the planar short slot antenna microwave band

Zayarnyi V., Parpula S., Girich V., Ponomarev I.


Characteristics of symmetric planar slot antennas of axial radiation, the size of which is comparable with the radiation wavelength (λ = 30 mm) having a linearly extending opening was studied. The same directional diagram investigated antennas have been theoretically calculated, experimentally measured and analyzed for Aperture angle of 30°, 60°, 90° and 120°. Experimentally measured directional diagram of the antennas (at frequencies of 10 GHz) are in good agreement with the developed mathematical models.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):72-77
pages 72-77 views

The influence of tunnel effect on the current injection of spin light-emitting diodes with InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells

Saeid S.


By using current-voltage characteristic and electro-photo luminescence measurements, the efficiency of spin electronic injection was investigated in the Co/Al_2 O_3 tunnel barrier/GaAs based structure, where spin current was generated by electric injection from FM to GaAs through the tunnel barrier. The investigations were performed on the devices with different tunnel barrier thickness of Al_2 O_3 surmounted by a thin Co ferromagnetic layer. The increase of the effectiveness of the electrical injection was identified by an increase in the intensity of electroluminescence; thereby we can define the optimal thickness of the layer of Al_2 O_3 as a tunnel and as a diffusion barrier. Also, manipulation of the tunneling barrier thickness leads to control of emission threshold of diode structures and sensitive diode. We also demonstrated the dependence between the tunneling barrier thickness and Schottky barrier height and the resistance of diode structure.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):78-82
pages 78-82 views

Review on articles Lyutov V.P. «Critical analysis of menique to establish the absolute performance of old documents on their fading details» (Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. 2015. № 1 (5).) and Mayer A.F. «On the scientific methods of establishing the unreliability of the documents, giving the dynamics of fading strokes» (Encyclopedia of Forensic Science. 2014. № 2 (4).)

Lozhkin L.


This work is a response to an article by Mr. V.P. Lyutov «Critical analysis of me-nique to establish the absolute performance of old documents on their fading details» and Mr. A.F. Mayer «On the scientific methods of establishing the unreliability of the documents, giving the dynamics of fading strokes», published in Encyclopedia of Forensic Science.

Physics of Wave Processes and Radio Systems. 2015;18(2):83-86
pages 83-86 views