Restoration of acoustic field parameters measured by a fiber multi-sensor system on a turbomachine nozzle slice

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The article is devoted to the development and research of distributed fiber systems for aeroacoustic control of gas-air flow parameters on the nozzle section of turbomachines. The problem of source localization and restoration of the acoustic field of turbomachines is considered. The control of the aeroacoustic control system based on fiber-optic sensors based on the principles of self-learning is considered, since extreme controllers, although simply technically implemented, but have low speed, which is especially affected with a large number of control elements. Therefore, the aeroacoustic fiber-optic complex will be considered in the form of an automatic control system with the adaptation of the parameters of the mathematical model by the measured values of the flow parameters that change with the change of the

About the authors

V.Yu. Vinogradov

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI

Author for correspondence.

V.I. Anfinogentov

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev - KAI



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Copyright (c) 2019 Vinogradov V., Anfinogentov V.

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