Analysis and synthesis of topological radar detectors of low-contrast targets against the background of high intensity noise from the earth, sea and precipitation as the new branch of the statistical decision theory

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The main ideas and strategic directions in synthesis of fundamentally new topological radar detectors of low-contrast objects have been considered. The objects detection is conducted against the background of reflections from the ground, sea and precipitations. The new topologic signs and methods of detection of low-contrast objects against the background of high-intensity noise are presented. The methods are based on the textural and fractal analysis and also on the theory of deterministic chaos. The main purpose of this work is to interpret the main directions of radio physics, radio engineering and radio location in «fractal» language that makes new ways and generalizations on future promising radio systems. The new kind and approach of up-to-date radiolocation: fractal-scaling or scale-invariant radiolocation has been proposed.

About the authors

A.A. Potapov

Институт радиотехники и электроники им. В.А. Котельникова РАН

Author for correspondence.


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Copyright (c) 2016 Potapov A.

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