Vol 13, No 4 (2023)

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What is truth?

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):469-473
pages 469-473 views
pages 474-478 views


Formalized conceptual design technology in the aircraft industry

Skvortsov E.B., Bondarev A.V., Konopleva V.M., Sonin O.V., Chanov M.N., Shelekhova A.S.


The article is devoted to the general issues of design formalization and practical methods of conceptual project development in civil aircraft industry. The project idea and the sequential implementation of the project concept development stages are considered. Special attention is paid to marketing and justification of the project strategy. The importance of the idea analysis method for the project concept is shown. In the task of the technical system synthesis an approach to the coordination of its elements and a risk analysis of the designed civil aircraft critical characteristics is presented. The process of validation the aircraft project concept under development by means of experimental analogies is described. The presented methodology was developed for the first time as a complete full-cycle technology of civil aircraft conceptual design, the scientific results of which will eliminate the risks of erroneous choice of the technical concept and its inconsistency with the technical specifications.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):479-495
pages 479-495 views

Cognitive potential of agglutinative languages in intelligent technologies

Suleymanov D.S., Gilmullin R.A., Gatiatullin A.R., Prokopyev N.A.


This article describes an approach to development of new intelligent technologies based on the study of cognitive potential and semiotic modeling of lexical and grammatical structures of agglutinative languages (using the Tatar language as an example). A classification of cognitive lexical grammatical structures that determine the information technological effectiveness of a language is proposed. Specific examples show the relevant capabilities of the Tatar language for compact representation of knowledge, operating with fuzzy information, revealing such important properties as regularity, natural and constructive complexity, recursion, deep morphological ellipsis, functional diversity and semantic multivalence of affixes. The proposed approach, based on semiotic models of agglutinative language and the use of technological means of verbalization and contextual recognition of language meanings, can provide effective solutions for creating intelligent tools for accumulating and processing knowledge. Work in this direction creates the prospect of building a cognitive-communicative artificial intelligence system based on a universal language of communication between artificial intelligence systems as well as with humans.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):496-506
pages 496-506 views


Formation of the model of an intellectual software analytical complex in the electric power industry

Antonov V.V., Rodionova L.E., Kromina L.A., Fakhrullina A.R.


The paper considers the model of an intelligent software analytical complex that allows electric power industry organizations to remotely apply electricity metering systems designed to take consumer's meter readings online, register deviations, and determine the quality of electricity. The software analytical complex is presented in the form of a set of models: a model for ensuring the sustainability of the quality of electric power, which makes it possible to create rules for the information environment and a unified data repository to systematize the processes of collecting, processing and transmitting data, simplify the search and increase the speed of access to data; a model of the product knowledge base, designed to search for solutions in the process under consideration and evaluate the search results; a dynamic graph of deviations of the Descartes square, which makes it possible to manage electrical power parameters in order to increase the efficiency of the organization and improve the process of managing the technical strategy of the energy system; and ontological and network models of electric energy quality indicators. The diagrams of the software analytical complex algorithm as well as the developed neural network node designed to analyze deviations for the presence or absence of malfunctions in the hardware operation are presented. The application of the presented models in the software analytical complex will help to promptly identify emerging deviations and analyze them.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):507-519
pages 507-519 views

Formation of the lexical module of applied ontology for its learning

Lomov P.A.


The complexity of developing ontologies is associated with their learning, which involves the automation of solving problems related to the extraction of ontological concepts and relationships from natural language texts. For a created ontology used in an information system, there will most likely be a need to expand its conceptual system due to the complication or change in data processing. Subsequent application of text analysis to discover new concepts and incorporate them into the ontology, that is, linking them with existing concepts, will require identifying the latter in sentences of natural language texts. This paper considers the problem of automating the formation of the lexical module of applied ontology, which includes formalized representations of ontological concepts in natural language texts. A brief review of existing works devoted to the use of lexical information about ontology components in solving problems related to the analysis of textual data is presented. The ways of using the OntoLex-Lemon model for determining the structure of lexical representations of ontology concepts are considered. A procedure is proposed for the formation of lexical representations based on the analysis of texts in the subject area, taking into account the case when concepts have names consisting of several words. The results of applying the obtained module for the automatic formation of a training set of a neural network language model used in the ontology learning task for discovering new concepts in the corpus of subject texts are presented.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):520-530
pages 520-530 views

Models and methods of ontological data analysis in the problem of structural analysis and synthesis of technical decisions

Semenova V.A., Smirnov S.V.


The article explores the potential and demonstrates the effectiveness of using some models and methods of ontological data analysis in the problem of structural analysis and synthesis of technical decisions. Morphological analysis and synthesis of layout diagrams of artifacts are considered as a working methodology for structural design. A set-theoretic model of the morphological decision space is constructed for the classical version of the methodology. The model includes the functional subsystems of the designed artifact, implementation options for these subsystems, and potential technical decisions themselves. Moreover, in contrast to existing versions of such formalization, the emphasis is on the description of binary relationships between the entities of the knowledge domain of morphological analysis. It is proposed to describe the incompatibility of implementation options for a single functional subsystem of a designed artifact and the restricted compatibility of implementation options for various functional subsystems within the framework of a single model, known in ontological engineering and, in particular in ontological data analysis as “existence constraints”. Analysis of one of the regularities inherent in this model made it possible to strictly substantiate the approach common in structural design to describing the restricted compatibility of implementation options for various functional subsystems in the form of prohibitions. The advantages of using existence constraints to describe the morphological decision space are shown, and the frame of a formal ontology for the knowledge domain of morphological analysis is constructed. The structural synthesis of a technical decision is compared with the method of semantic identification of an object, developed within the framework of ontological data analysis for processing incomplete and inconsistent empirical information about the results of measuring object properties. A conclusion is made about the suitability of the latter for solving the problem of structural synthesis when correcting the concept of a “normal” subset of properties and information about the costs and/or benefits of including each individual implementation option for the functional subsystems of the designed artifact.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):531-547
pages 531-547 views


Development of ontologies for automating computational processes in the energy pipeline system design

Stennikov V.A., Barakhtenko E.A., Sokolov D.V., Mayorov G.S.


Designing pipeline energy systems (heat, water, oil, gas supply, etc.) is a complex task that requires the use of specialized software to solve it. It is proposed to use ontologies to structure knowledge that is used in the processes of software development automation and organization of the computing process and user interface content. The proposed methodological approach includes the following components: the composition of ontologies, tools for implementing ontologies, and the methods for constructing ontologies (metaontologies, ontologies of specific classes, ontologies of design tasks, software ontologies). It is shown that the use of ontologies allows one to obtain the following results: a single platform for research and development of new methods, algorithms, mathematical models of pipeline systems and their elements; the ability to automate access to data for different types of systems and tasks; and automated software system construction. An example of ontology system application in software development is presented. The architecture of a software system for solving problems of designing pipeline systems of various types and purposes is given.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):548-561
pages 548-561 views

An integrated approach to the analysis of argumentative relationships in scientific communication texts

Sidorova E.A., Akhmadeeva I.R., Zagorulko Y.A., Kononenko I.S., Sery A.S., Chagina P.M., Shestakov V.K.


The problem of automatic analysis of argumentation in scientific communication texts is considered. Argumentation is understood as an ordered set of arguments used to support a certain thesis. An argument includes at least one premise and one conclusion, connected by an argumentative relation. The purpose of the work is an experimental study of neural network approaches to solving the problem of searching and extracting argumentative relations between statements located closely in the text. The study was conducted on a corpus of texts with argumentative markup created using the previously developed web platform. The corpus included texts of scientific news, analytical articles from the Habr website, scientific articles and reviews. Datasets for machine learning were built based on these texts. To improve the quality of neural network models training, these sets were supplemented with new data by using automatic paraphrasing and double translation methods. Two approaches to training models were considered: the first one with labeling of indicators in texts and the second one with preliminary training of a language model on the task of predicting indicators. To evaluate the models performance, an approach was proposed based on estimates of agreement between experts, usually used to compare markups of manually created texts. A comparison of agreement coefficients between experts and trained models showed that the quality threshold for extracting argumentative relations was almost reached on the model with labeled indicators. A manual analysis of model errors was carried out by visualizing the obtained results. Thus, the novelty of the work lies in the application of an integrated approach to creating data sets, training models and evaluating the results obtained from the automatic extraction of argumentative relations.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):562-579
pages 562-579 views


Method of indirect preferences for forming criterion weights with a mul-ti-level structure

Korneenko V.P.


The method of forming criterion weights in tasks of multi-criteria evaluation of objects with a multi-level structure of indicators presented in the form of a hierarchical tree, is shown. The weights values are calculated on the basis of indirect measurement of preferences of adjacent pairs of local weights of criteria included in the vertices of a higher level of the hierarchical tree, in the form of expert assessments in the quantitative scale of relations. The calculation of quantitative weights first comes down to lexicographic sorting by descending order of criteria importance at each level of the hierarchy that are included in the vertices of a higher level, as a result of which the number of expert comparisons of adjacent pairs in the scale of relations is reduced. The formation of local coefficients of the criteria importance is mathematically justified and is based on a matrix with special properties. A comparative analysis of the proposed method for forming quantitative weights with the method of hierarchy analysis, the least squares method and the approximation matrix method based on the matrix of paired comparisons, is given. An example is given of solving the problem of multi-criteria evaluation of combat aircraft that participated in the tender, according to the tactical and technical characteristics presented in various measurement scales.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):580-596
pages 580-596 views

Ontology of guided development of scientific abilities of young people. Part 2: General scheme

Piyavsky S.A.


The formation of a holistic ontology of developmental activities of gifted youth aged between 14 and 23, called “advanced educational and research activities,” which began in the first part of the article [1], is continued. This form of independent activity of a motivated schoolchild or student is aimed at satisfying his cognitive, intellectual and other needs and developing creative potential, is associated with the consistent solution of research problems, and is supported by a specially organized developmental scientific and educational environment, which involves a periodic unified assessment of the developmental effect and the scientific significance of the results obtained. In addition to the article's first part [1], the ontology of the development of a young researcher's personality characteristics, which include research activity, erudition, range of interests and socialization in the scientific community, is described. For the first time, on a quantitative basis using the author's mathematical model, the possibilities of taking into account the connection between research functionality and the research motivation of a young researcher when planning the developmental structure of research work are analyzed. The blocks of erudition, range of interests and socialization of a multifaceted system of criteria for assessing personal qualities are proposed. The general scheme of the guided development of a young researcher within the framework of his educational and research activities is described on the basis of such concepts as: multifaceted systems of criteria for assessing research work and the personal characteristics of a young researcher, a mathematical model for optimizing the developmental structure of research work, a mathematical model for the formation of optimal options for personal development, a consulting system of guiding support for individual development, etc. The introduced concepts are combined in the form of a graphic diagram of the ontology of guided development of scientific abilities of young people.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):597-614
pages 597-614 views

On the development of approaches to system safety assessment in the design of technical systems

Lobach D.J.


The purpose of the study is to develop analytical approaches for the comparative assessment of technical systems in the implementation of expert activities. In the course of the research, priority directions for the selection of quantitative demonstration indicators of devices and technologies, and recommendations for choosing strategies for expert work when conducting assessments of technical systems security have been identified. A factual approach has been developed for relative (rating) comparison of designed, planned or applied technologies without the use of experimental data in the absence of operational experience. New opportunities for expanding expert assessments and analysis of equipment designs and technological solutions are shown. Their novelty lies in the application of the approaches of the safeometrics developing concept and consists in the use of plausible patterns for quantitative assessment of the parameters contained in the design and technical documentation and characterizing technical systems and complexes. Data for analysis can be prepared (collected) by experts or designers based on the requirements and recommendations of experts.

Ontology of Designing. 2023;13(4):615-624
pages 615-624 views

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