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The article is devoted to the problem of implementing forms of remote interaction with the judicial system. The article also considers the possibility of functioning of the judicial system in the current unfavourable epidemiological situation and quarantine measures being carried out in the country. The author analyzes the problems and prospects of remote interaction of the court with the participants in the process, as well as the problems of their application in conditions of insufficient legal regulation. There are 3 main forms of remote interaction with courts: submission of documents, which is more focused on professional participants in the process; familiarization with the materials of the case, which is implemented electronically only in the arbitration process and only in cases considered in summary proceedings; remote participation in the consideration of a case, which at the moment is practically not implemented due to the lack of proper legal regulation. A comparative analysis of foreign judicial practice and legal norms governing remote interaction with judicial authorities with the established practice of the judicial system of the Russian Federation was carried out. In conclusion, the author concluded the study.

About the authors

Z. S. Lebedev

Non-profit organization Antonov & Partners Law Firm; Depаrtment of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2020 Lebedev Z.S.

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