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The article is devoted to the consideration of features of appeal in the appeal procedure of decisions of courts with participation of jurors. The trial by jury is a special form of legal proceedings, which involves the presence of increased guarantees of respect for the rights of citizens, as well as a fair sentence. Proceedings before the court of appeal also carry democratic principles of justice. However, the combination of a jury trial and an appellate procedure for appealing its decisions is causing heated debate in science and in practice. This procedure involves a full review of the criminal case by the court of appeal, but it does not provide for the participation of citizens, so the positive effect of such a procedure is rather doubtful. Moreover, interested participants in criminal proceedings are significantly limited in their legal capacity to appeal decisions of courts with the participation of jurors. It is obvious that it is necessary to make significant adjustments to the legislation to optimize the procedure for reviewing decisions of courts with the participation of jurors.

About the authors

D. O. Chistilina

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Southwest State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: grigorjewa.katerina@yandex.ru
Russian Federation


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