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The article is devoted to the study of the constitutional model of the Institute of the President of the Russian Federation. The constitutional doctrine of a strong presidential power is examined, scientifi c disputes about the place of the President of the Russian Federation in the system of federal government bodies are analyzed. The effectiveness of the functioning of the state largely depends on the President of the Russian Federation, which increases the significance of the continuity of power of the President of the Russian Federation due to his special place in the system of separation of powers. The need arises to establish additional guarantees for the stability of functioning of the state, to preserve the main strategic directions of its development, and basic constitutional values. One of such guarantees aimed at optimizing the functioning of a balanced system of public authorities and ensuring its continuity, according to the author, it is proposed to recognize the possibility in the future of establishing in the Constitution of the Russian Federation a new form of government in Russia – a dualistic presidential republic in which the newly elected President of the Russian Federation
will function in cooperation with the President of the Russian Federation, whose term of office has expired. Accordingly, options for the distribution of powers between the two Presidents of the Russian Federation, which are part of a single institution of the President of the Russian Federation, are considered. Moreover, the main purpose of each of the Presidents of the Russian Federation is the President of the Russian Federation. After the termination of the exercise of his authority in connection with the expiration of his tenure, he is called upon to ensure the continuity of constitutional development and the maintenance of basic values. The newly elected President of the Russian Federation could be responsible for the development of society, the state, while excluding stagnation.

About the authors

N. M. Kolosova

The Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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