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Criminal proceedings are one of the forms of the state exercising its power in ensuring the security of society from criminal encroachments. One of the pressing problems in the field of law enforcement today, which requires its resolution, is the problem of legal nihilism of participants in criminal proceedings. Quite a large number of publications are devoted to the issues of abuse by participants of criminal proceedings of their rights. But at the same time, questions of abuse of the rights by the investigator, and also the head of investigative body, during investigation of the criminal case, manifestation of legal nihilism at implementation of the procedural powers remain insufficiently investigated. The legal nihilism inherent in investigators seriously complicates the fight against crime, discredits not only the preliminary investigation, but also the entire law enforcement system as a whole. The article deals with the issues of investigative errors and abuse of law by the investigator in the investigation of a criminal case.

About the authors

V. V. Konin

Department of Criminal Procedure Law, The North-Western branch of The Russian State University of Justice (Saint-Petersburg)

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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