- Authors: Ryabinina T.K.1
- Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Southwest State University
- Issue: Vol 5, No 4 (2019)
- Pages: 99-106
- Section: Criminal procedure
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 7594
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The article is devoted to the peculiarities of evidentiary activity of the court at the stage of appointment of the court session. The study of different points of view of scientists and practitioners led the author to the conclusion that, despite the limitation of the powers of the court related to the verification of the materials of the criminal case received by the court, the reduction of issues to be clarified when appointing a court session, the nature and content of the court’s activities for the collection, verification and evaluation of evidence has not changed. The only circumstance that is not included in the scope of the verification actions of the judge is the question of the guilt of the accused in the commission of the crime, which in no way indicates a limitation of the control powers of the court at this stage. Therefore, the powers of the judge at this stage of the process are limited to establishing the sufficiency of evidence to resolve the main issue at the trial stage – the guilt or innocence of the defendant. Particular attention is paid to the evaluation of evidence, which differs from similar activities of the court at the trial stage.
About the authors
T. K. Ryabinina
Department of Criminal Process and Criminalistics, Southwest State University
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
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