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The article defines the international legal paradigm of the modern criminal procedure, implying penetration of the principles enshrined in international legal acts in the criminal procedure legislation, and the assumption of direct implementation of international treaties in criminal proceedings. The mentioned paradigm replaced the national-state paradigm of a closed criminal procedure. Certain aspects of the occurrence of the international legal paradigm are revealed: application of international treaties of the Republic of Belarus in criminal proceedings, the transcendence of the institute of international legal assistance at the level of the national legal system, and the possibility of international legal protection in criminal cases brought in Belarus. The legitimacy of harmonization of criminal procedure legislation within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union is established. The paradigm in question is also characteristic of the criminal procedure in modern Russia. Amendments to legislation are proposed to ensure the guarantees provided for by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

About the authors

V. I. Samaryn

Department of Criminal Procedure and Prosecutorial Supervision, Belarusian State University

Author for correspondence.


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