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The article draws attention to the introduction of amendments and additions to the criminal procedure law in order to improve criminal proceedings, often of the opposite nature – both aimed at protecting the person involved in the criminal proceedings, including as a suspected accused, defendant, and to increase opportunities criminal prosecution of these persons. The leading role in determining the vectors of development of criminal proceedings belongs, of course, to the criminal procedure policy developed by the relevant state bodies, but the criminal procedure policy has not yet led to the creation of a clear, well-defined concept of the development of the domestic criminal process. An example of inconsistency and insufficient reasonableness of legislative decisions is the current attitude of the legislator to the formation of the procedural status of the prosecutor. A clear definition of the ways of development of domestic criminal proceedings is due to the need for a clear choice of the model of the criminal process.

About the authors

V. S. Shadrin

Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Saint-Petersburg law institute (branch) of University of the Office of the Prosecutor of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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