- Authors: Razveykina N.A.1, Dyachkova E.A.2
- Department of Social Systems and Law, Samara National Research University
- Department for the Investigation of Crimes, committed in the Kirov District, Office of Criminal Investigations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Samara Region, Samara National Research University
- Issue: Vol 5, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 114-119
- Section: Criminal procedure
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 7568
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This article discusses theoretical and practical problems of a special procedure for criminal justice. A brief description of the idea of simplifying the trial by truncating the stage of proof is given. The purpose of the article is to identify some shortcomings of the regulatory framework and formulate proposals for further research, as well as ways to improve the legislation. The authors trace the legislative changes about the special proceeding, and express reasonable doubts regarding the compliance of the special proceeding of the trial with the basic criminal procedural principles. There is a comparison of the legal nature of the sentence in general and special order. The idea of the duality of the sentence is criticized. Special attention is paid to the dependence of the special proceeding on the consent of the victim, as well as to criticism of the procedure for appealing against the investigator’s decision to refuse the petition for concluding a cooperation agreement.
About the authors
N. A. Razveykina
Department of Social Systems and Law, Samara National Research University
Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation
E. A. Dyachkova
Department for the Investigation of Crimes, committed in the Kirov District, Office of Criminal Investigations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Samara Region, Samara National Research University
Russian Federation
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