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The article shows the importance of using such moral categories as «justice» and «conscience» in the norms of the current criminal procedure law. It is shown that the category of «justice» is used by the legislator only as one of the requirements for the verdict of the court, and the category of «conscience» – as a criterion of internal conviction of the subject in the legality and validity of any decisions in the course of criminal proceedings. The authors' judgments are critically evaluated, considering that all decisions made in criminal proceedings and procedural actions made on their basis must meet not only the requirements of legality, validity and motivation, but also the requirement of justice. The reasons for limiting the scope of the requirement of justice in criminal
proceedings are revealed, in connection with which the illegality of the reproach against the legislator in respect of the lack of the requirement of justice in part 4 of Article 7 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is shown. The author demonstrates the validity of the position of the legislator who used the categories of «justice» and «conscience» in the norms where they are contained, and the impossibility of their other position.

About the authors

S. V. Kornakova

Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and the Criminal Process, Institute of State and Law, Baikal State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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