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The article deals with a phenomenon of post-criminal impact which acts as the ground of security measures application in relation to witnesses, according to Part 3 Article 11 of the Russian Criminal Procedure Code (CPC). The author analyses thoroughly the characteristics of post-criminal impact, examines the definition, features, types and forms of threats spoken to the persons assisted to the justice. This article reveals different problems of application of legal rule in Part 3 Article 11 of CPC, studies its content, uncovers its disadvantages and suggests necessary amendments in criminal procedure law. The author raises the question of possible introduction of criminal responsibility for stalking of witnesses because of their assistance to justice, gives a positive example of foreign experience of introduction a separate crime «stalking» in criminal legislation and supports this position with several arguments. With in the article the author substantiates her position using vast theoretical material, the data of questionnaire survey of practitioners, specialised on preliminary investigation and trial proceedings, as soon as cites the specific examples of post-criminal impact from judicial practice.

About the authors

E. I. Svechnikovа

Depаrtment of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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