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In the article critical view on the reform of procedural legislation

is presented. The issue about the criteria on the basis of which the

plaintiffs and the court solve the question about the procedural order

of adjustment is viewed; the conclusion about the absence of

appropriate criteria is made. The consequences of misqualification of

procedural order are viewed: rejecting of acceptance of legal claim or the

termination of proceedings in case resulting in the unconditional

refusing in the defense of right. The newest judicial practice that gave

rise to the tendency of successive breakdowns of courts in hearing of

cases as well as in the process of Administrative Procedure Code of

the Russian Federation and Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian

Federation is analyzed. The addition of norms about the refusal in

accepting (administrative) bill of complaint and on termination of

proceedings in case of proactive position of court is suggested.


About the authors

I. M. Beltukova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.


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