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In article brought up questions of application of amnesty to the

persons having conditional condemnation. Application of the act of

amnesty has to be monotonous that to some extent will allow to observe

not only an order of realization of the rights of the victim, but also to

observe the rights of the citizens who appeared from the opposite side of

the law. The contradictions revealed in article will allow to pay attention

to respect for the rights and legitimate interests of citizens to whom

application of acts of amnesty is possible that in turn will strengthen

belief of citizens in lawful and fair trial. In this work the order of

application of acts of amnesty is mentioned by consideration of criminal

cases in essence. However every time in court practice there are problems

at their application and interpretation. In this work there is a wish to

raise the question of problems of application of the act of amnesty on the

example of the Resolution of 24.04.2015 № 6576-6 «About the

announcement of amnesty in connection with the 70 anniversary of the

Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945».


About the authors

S. V. Starodumov

Udmurt State University

Author for correspondence.


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