Progress in the implementation of the digital economy and its prospects in the Samara Region

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The basis of world socio-economic development in recent years is information and communication technologies (ICT), which continue to rapidly develop and create new products and services. On their basis, innovative development takes place, there is an increase in the productivity and efficiency of organizations. Digitalization is becoming a necessary and leading component of maintaining and increasing the competitiveness of states and individual territorial entities, the most important prerequisite for improving the standard of living of the population. The development of digital technologies and their successful implementation are facilitated by the adopted state programs, such as the national program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». The authors determined that the population of the Russian Federation and the Samara region is increasingly mastering digital competencies, using advanced digital technologies, and using services provided by state and municipal organizations. Regional authorities, acting within the framework of the national program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation», develop local programs in accordance with the tasks to be solved on the basis of the previously achieved economic state. At the same time, the Samara Region is a dynamically developing territory that has good prerequisites for the active and multidimensional implementation of ICT achievements in the economic life of the region, and its authorities are consistently introducing digital technologies into the regional economy. Nevertheless, in the region there are problems with the staffing of this process, the population is not fully covered by the opportunity to access the Internet and receive a number of state and municipal services using specialized digital services. In these conditions, in the Samara Region, it is necessary to make greater use of the mechanisms of public-private partnership in the implementation of projects for the digitalization of the economy, to increase the innovative component of the development of enterprises in the region, to expand and improve the opportunities for the population to acquire digital competencies.

About the authors

Svetlana V. Kliment’yeva

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1564-4699

senior lecturer at the Department of General and Strategic Management

Russian Federation, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara

Anastasiia M. Ilina

Samara National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3225-9047

4th year undergraduate student of the Institute of Economics and Management

Russian Federation, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara


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