Managing the digital transformation of the industrial sector

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The article examines the issues of managing the digital transformation of the Russian industrial sector. The author notes that a new content of the industrial development strategy is currently on the agenda – a digital strategy, for the development of which there are a number of prerequisites: the availability of the Internet, the use of digital services, mobile devices, and other digital technologies. The article deals with the issues of digital transformation management and the directions of its development. The author reveals the advantages of implementing digital transformation, suggests directions for implementing the roadmap for digital transformation of the industrial sector, and identifies trends in the digital transformation of the industrial sector. It is noted that digital transformation begins with the creation of a digital platform where the interests of industry, the state and science are united. Digital platforms are proposed to be organized by type of economic activity (FEA), using digital ecosystems. Digital platforms are proposed to be created in the areas of digital transformation, such as: uber-ization, the Internet of things, neural technologies, Big Data, network interaction with partners, blockchain, crowdfunding. The article reflects that one of the types of digitalization is uber-the transformation of the economy, which represents a digital service for the provision of services, the rejection of hierarchical multi-level organizational structures, to production and management structures based on the blockchain. Uber-ization of the economy is a digital management service that includes a whole range of other digital services. In this article, the author proposes a model of digital transformation of the industrial sector of the Russian Federation based on the creation of «digital doubles» that allow using such advantages as reducing the time of business processes, increasing the accuracy of calculations, and improving the quality of work performed. Digital transformation forms new forms of organizational, innovation and management activities, takes a leading position in the development of domestic industrial potential, new competitive advantages by improving business processes for knowledge and information management, increasing the number of technological innovations, and filling them with professional competencies.

About the authors

Oksana I. Zhityaeva

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8216-5209

Director of the center for distance learning technologies, senior lecturer of the Department of Security and Information Systems

Russian Federation, Samara National Research University, 34


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