Element composition of the innovation potential of industrial enterprises

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At the present stage of the development of innovative activity of industrial enterprises, it is necessary to implement measures, the implementation of which is, first of all, the creation of an innovative reserve characterized by innovative potential. The approaches presented by the author to the structure of the elements of the innovation potential, firstly, allow us to identify the missing elements in its composition, secondly, to determine the level of development of these elements, and thirdly, to formulate proposals to eliminate the shortcomings. Currently, the state has initiated a number of federal programs that are aimed at forming and supporting the development of innovative potential both at the level of enterprises, regions, and the state as a whole. The key direction that determines the possibility of achieving the goals in these sectors is the development of personnel component of the innovative potential of domestic enterprises. The analysis of the conditions for the formation of the innovative potential of domestic industrial enterprises allows us to judge the unsatisfactory form of its innovative development, in which there is a significant gap between the requirements of innovative activity, as well as the requirements of the external and internal environment, the ability to adequately respond to the factors of influence. In this regard, in order to develop the innovation potential, the author proposes the structure of its elements and the analysis of the factors influencing the innovation activity of industrial enterprises, as well as bringing it into a balanced state of its external and internal environment. As the main tool for the development of innovative potential and bringing it into a balanced state, organizational and managerial factors are used to increase the efficiency of innovation activities and ensure the activation of the innovative potential of industrial enterprises.

About the authors

Kirill I. Goman

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
Email: kir-dehn.goman@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6584-3082

postgraduate student of the Department of Innovation Economics

Russian Federation, 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara


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