Analysis of financing and role of world-class research and education centers in the Russian Federation

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The article analyzes the role of science in the development of state, world-class scientific and educational centers and their role in the innovative development of regions. The article presents the indicators of financing of REC. The sources and mechanisms of REC financing are analyzed. The effectiveness of functioning and impact of REC on the economy of the region is revealed. Possible reasons are given for the fact that the share of federal budget funds, specifically grants, is no more than 1–4,5 %, depending on the REC. It is noted that the main expenditures of the regional budget are directed to fundamental and applied research that meets the criteria and requirements of the regional market, the purchase of educational and scientific equipment, and the support and development of production enterprises that are members of REC. The creation of the REC will raise the prestige of science in the state, and the real sector of the economy is included in this process. The activities of scientific and educational center will also affect the structure of the GRP of the region. It was found that the functioning of RECs has positive socio-economic effects. This is reflected in the REC's performance targets, which are reflected in their work programs. In general, the functioning of the REC will have positive socio-economic effects, such as increasing the standard of living and attractiveness of the region; improving the environmental situation; increasing the production of innovative and high-tech products; increasing the level of GRP; creating new jobs; improving and developing the scientific and educational environment of the region.

About the authors

Valeriya Yu. Anisimova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8216-5209

Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Innovation Economics

Russian Federation, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.

Elvin P. Gaffarli

Samara National Research University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0814-6384

master's degree student of the Institute of Economics and Management

Russian Federation, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation.


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