Issues of territorial development of the Republic of Tatarstan based on an innovative approach

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The current realities of economic development bring to the fore tools that can provide not so much quantitative growth as qualitative changes in economic systems at different levels. Competitive advantages can be achieved by innovative tools, the development of which can be hindered by a number of factors: lack of funding, qualified personnel, high taxes, unfair competition, etc. Against the background of these problems, the advantages of special economic zones, industrial parks, clusters, territories of advanced socio-economic development, disclosed in this article, are obvious. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the need for active implementation of innovative tools for territorial development in municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as in other regions of the Russian Federation, in order to activate innovative and investment activities in them. In terms of objectives, tasks of the article are: to describe an innovative infrastructure that defines territorial development in the Republic of Tatarstan; to investigate the basic results of activity of innovative tools for territorial development in the Republic of Tatarstan; to develop recommendations for implementation of innovative development of territories in the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan. Achieving this goal is realized through the use of research methods such as description, comparison, analysis, etc. The empirical basis of the study was data published on the websites of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Economics, The Association of Clusters and Technoparks of Russia, and other materials. As a result of the research, the main tasks of ensuring positive progressive dynamics of the Republic of Tatarstan with the use of innovative tools for territorial development are formulated: SEZs, industrial sites, industrial parks, territories of advanced socio-economic development and others. The article pays close attention to the justification of the need for municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan to use these innovative tools, which have proven their effectiveness as growth drivers for the development of territories.

About the authors

Oleg V. Pelevin

Kazan National Research Technological University

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of the Department of Logistics and Management

Russian Federation, 68, K. Marx Street, Kazan


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  24. Pelevin O.V. Management of regional innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan as a key factor of innovative development of the region. In: Instrument Engineering and Automated Electric Drive in the Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services: collection of materials of the V National Research and Practical Conference. Kazan: Kazan. gos. energ. un-t, 2019, vol. 1. Available at: (In Russ.)
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  26. Shinkevich A.I., Kudryavtseva S.S. Management of open national innovation systems in the knowledge economy: monograph. Kazan: Izd-vo Kazan. gos. nats. tekhnol. un-ta, 2014, 207 p. Available at: (In Russ.)
  27. Kiselev S.V., Strekalova G.R., Nugaeva G.R. Innovative type of regional economy development: monograph. Kazan: Kazan. gos. tekhnol. un-t, 2010, 196 p. Available at: (In Russ.)
  28. Shinkevich A.I., Lubnina A.A., Galimulina F.F. Modeling of economic activities in the context of sustainable innovative development of high-tech meso-economic systems. Bulletin of the Technological University, 2013,
  29. vol. 16, no. 13, pp. 249–Available at: (In Russ.)
  30. Dyrdonova A.N. Formation and development of elements of innovative infrastructure of the region. Management of Economic Systems: scientific electronic journal, 2013, no. 12 (60), p. 40. Available at: (In Russ.)
  31. Kruglov V.N. Features of innovative development of territories. Vestnik obrazovatel'nogo konsortsiuma «Srednerusskii universitet». Seriia: Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2018, no. 11, pp. 54–55. Available at: (In Russ.)
  32. Vasil'tsov V.S., Vasil'tsova V.M., Kutepova M.V. Territorial problems of innovative development of commodity economy. Territorial Development Issues, 2016, no. 3 (33), p. 4. Available at: (In Russ.)
  33. Tronina I.A., Tatenko G.I., Bakhtina S.S. Open innovations as a form of implementation of the concept of innovative development of the territory on the principles of «smart specialization». International Journal of Professional Science, 2019, no. 12, pp. 51–58. Available at: (In Russ.)
  34. Avramchikova N.T., Danilchenko Yu.V., Poochkin M.B. Project management of innovative activity in TOSER. Siberian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 664–672. Available at: (In Russ.)
  35. Gasanov E.A. Dominating conditions of formation of territories of advanced socio-economic development and formation of innovative regional economy. Regional'naia Rossiia: istoriia i sovremennost', 2018, no. 1, pp. 59–65. Available at: (In Russ.)
  36. Sumina E.V. Methodological basis for assessing the innovative activity of the region in the conditions of creating territories of advanced development. Innovative Development of Economy, 2019, no. 5–1 (53), pp. 98–114. Available at: (In Russ.)
  37. Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan. Available at: (In Russ.)
  38. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. Available at: (In Russ.)
  39. Gokhberg L.M., Ditkovskij K.A., Evnevich E.I. et al. Indicators of innovative activity: 2020: statistical collection. Moscow: NIU VShE, 2020. Available at: (In Russ.)
  40. Lubnina A.A. et al. Innovative strategy for improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises management. Espacios, 2018, vol. 39, no. 9, p. 25. Available at:
  41. Special economic zones of Russia: business navigator. Available at: http://www.
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  43. SEZ «Alabuga». Available at:
  44. medium=cpc_poisk&utm_campaign=50753248_temat_dc&utm_content=8846688144&utm_term=oez&yclid=3071155803565883232#start. (In Russ.)
  45. Pelevin O.V., Shinkevich A.I. Special economic zone «Alabuga» as a tool for innovative territorial development. Economic bulletin of the Republic of Tatarstan, 2020, no. 2, pp. 14–18. Available at: (In Russ.)
  46. Kama innovative territorial-production cluster «Innokam». Available at: (In Russ.)
  47. Abdulganiev F.S. Territories of Priority Social and Economic Development as an Institute of Strategic Development of Single-Industry Towns (Based on the Republic of Tatarstan). Regional Economy. South of Russia, 2020, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 117–124. DOI: (In Russ.)
  48. Shinkevich M.V. Approaches to assessing the economic efficiency of innovative clusters in industry. Bulletin of the Technological University, 2005, no. 1, pp. 85–89. Available at: (In Russ.)
  49. Danilov L.V., Kashinova E.A., Kravchenko E.I., Bukharova M.M., Labudin M.A. Fifth annual review of «Technoparks of Russia – 2019». Moscow: AKIT RF, 2019, 110 p. Available at: (In Russ.)
  50. Pelevin O.V. Management of regional innovation infrastructure of the Republic of Tatarstan as a key factor of innovative development of the region. In: Instrument Engineering and Automated Electric Drive in the Fuel and Energy Complex and Housing and Communal Services: collection of materials of the V National Research and Practical Conference. Kazan: Kazan. gos. energ. un-t, 2019, vol. 1. Available at: (In Russ.)
  51. Safiullin M.R., El'shin L.A., Shakirova A.I. Evaluation of business and economic activity as a short-term forecasting tool. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2012, vol. 82, no. 4, pp. 290–294. DOI: (In Russ.)
  52. Shinkevich A.I., Kudryavtseva S.S. Management of open national innovation systems in the knowledge economy: monograph. Kazan: Izd-vo Kazan. gos. nats. tekhnol. un-ta, 2014, 207 p. Available at: (In Russ.)

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