- Authors: Pinkovetskaia Y.S.1
- Ulyanovsk State University
- Issue: Vol 11, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 74-81
- Section: ECONOMICS
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 8139
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The relevance of the study of early entrepreneurship in modern national economies is determined by the increasing importance of entrepreneurs in both developed and developing countries. Entrepreneurs make a significant contribution to the economic growth, increasing gross domestic product, creating new jobs, and reducing poverty and social exclusion. Therefore, one of the main tasks of public administration bodies is to develop and implement measures that ensure an effective sectoral policy in the field of business development.
The purpose of the study becomes the assessment of the current level of specialization of early entrepreneurs in modern national economies. In the course of the research, the following tasks were solved: determining the main sectors in which entrepreneurs create their business; forming an array of empirical data describing the specific weights of entrepreneurs specializing in the production of goods and services in the total number of early entrepreneurs by country; developing economic and mathematical models that characterize the two main sectors of specialization of early entrepreneurs. The source of information for assessing the industry specialization of start-up entrepreneurs became the data provided in the Global entrepreneurship monitoring project, based on the results of a survey of more than 2000 early entrepreneurs in each of the 50 countries. In the process of economic and mathematical modeling, the authors developed density functions of normal distribution. The result of the computational experiment was an assessment of the values of indicators that characterize the involvement of early entrepreneurs in the production and service sectors of national economies. As a result of the research, the average values and ranges of changes in indicators of industry specialization were established, and countries with high and low values of indicators were identified; a comparative analysis of the values of indicators for Russia and foreign countries is carried out; three hypotheses put forward during the research were confirmed. The obtained research results have a significant novelty and originality, they have a certain theoretical and applied value. The proposed indicators and their calculation models can be used in justifying business development programs by the government, regional and municipal authorities. The results of calculations are of interest to entrepreneurs, including beginners.
About the authors
Yuliia S. Pinkovetskaia
Ulyanovsk State University
Author for correspondence.
candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and State Management
Russian FederationReferences
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