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In the article the author views economic and managerial issues of development of innovative activities of industrial enterprises based on the implementation of economic processes of the National technological initiative; presents the parameters of NTI implementation; shows that the effectiveness of innovative development of industry determines the creation of future markets, allowing enterprises to shape the image of the future of industry, to carry out a continuous and complex innovation process, the production of innovations, their commercialization and market demand. The author substantiates the relevance of implementing the processes of innovative development of the industrial complex of the region on the basis of NTI, which consists in the fact that the creation of innovations and their commercialization allowed enterprises to have a leading position among similar manufacturers, creating products with a high level of knowledge intensity, thereby forming new technological markets. NTI stimulates the development of new markets, determining the forecast of economic development. Innovative development of the region's industrial complex on the basis of NTI involves the creation of an integration grouping of the industrial sector on the basis of the innovation ecosystem. The most significant result of the research is the development of a model and an algorithm for evaluating the innovative ecosystem of the industrial complex of the region based on NTI. The model reflects that the development of STI projects is carried out through the innovation support infrastructure. In order to implement innovative STI projects, a regional ecosystem of innovation support is being created on the basis of industrial clusters. The main importance in the ecosystem is the network connections of participants in innovative processes and their technological capabilities (points of technological growth). In the article it is shown that the strategy for implementing STI to create new markets and technologies is based on the innovative activity of industrial complexes. In the model of the proposed ecosystem of innovative support for the industrial complex of the region based on NTI, an algorithm for evaluating the effectiveness of its functioning has been developed.

About the authors

Nikolay M. Tyukavkin

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of Economics, professor, head of the Department of Innovation Economics

Russian Federation


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