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Abstract: Despite the growing interest of modern scientists in the spatial approach in the regional economy, it has practically not been developed in relation to the small business sector. In a series of articles, the author described and justified the spatial potential of small enterprises as a modern tool for managing the regional economy, developed a theoretical method for its implementation. In this article, the procedures for the stage of strategic goal setting are implemented. On the basis of content analysis, the author studied and systematized priorities of spatial development of small enterprises in federal, regional and municipal documents of a strategic nature, which are classified as documents of strategic goal setting, forecasts, spatial concepts, programs and projects. He determined the correspondence between the structure of the economic space and the levels of economic management. Carried out an assessment of differentiation of development measures at the regional and municipal structural levels of the economic space, on its basis, gave a characteristic of the development policy of small enterprises implemented in the Samara Region. Strategic documents at the federal, regional, and municipal levels, as well as regional legislation and programs, are used as information sources. The results of the study – identified and justified priorities for the spatial development of small enterprises - create a scientific basis for the development of practical recommendations to regional and municipal authorities in the spatial aspect, allowing for the «fine-tuning» of state and municipal development measures.


Abstract: Despite the growing interest of modern scientists in the spatial approach in the regional economy, it has practically not been developed in relation to the small business sector. In a series of articles, the author described and justified the spatial potential of small enterprises as a modern tool for managing the regional economy, developed a theoretical method for its implementation. In this article, the procedures for the stage of strategic goal setting are implemented. On the basis of content analysis, the author studied and systematized priorities of spatial development of small enterprises in federal, regional and municipal documents of a strategic nature, which are classified as documents of strategic goal setting, forecasts, spatial concepts, programs and projects. He determined the correspondence between the structure of the economic space and the levels of economic management. Carried out an assessment of differentiation of development measures at the regional and municipal structural levels of the economic space, on its basis, gave a characteristic of the development policy of small enterprises implemented in the Samara Region. Strategic documents at the federal, regional, and municipal levels, as well as regional legislation and programs, are used as information sources. The results of the study – identified and justified priorities for the spatial development of small enterprises - create a scientific basis for the development of practical recommendations to regional and municipal authorities in the spatial aspect, allowing for the «fine-tuning» of state and municipal development measures.

About the authors

Igor S. Bessonov

Samara State University of Economics

Author for correspondence.
Email: igornews@rambler.ru

applicant of the Department of Regional Economics and Management

Russian Federation


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