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The urgency of the problem of labor incentives in the health sector is extremely acute. However, the methods of an objective comprehensive assessment of the laboriousness of activities of medical personnel, allowing to improve the principles of differentiated wages in the domestic literature, as well as in practice are very limited. The article describes the process of material incentives for medical personnel, studied the main regulations governing the formation of monetary remuneration. The necessity of revising the applied methods of material incentives and the transition to modern forms of wages has been substantiated.

About the authors

Diana Alexandrovna Kalmykova

Samara National Research University

Author for correspondence.

Elena Petrovna Solodova

Samara National Research University


Olga Vladimirovna Novoselova

Samara National Research University



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Copyright (c) 2018 Диана Александровна Калмыкова, Елена Петровна Солодова, Ольга Владимировна Новоселова

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