Necessity of state regulation of economics

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The state interferes with economics for a long time already and there is no doubt. Influence of state on economics and necessity of influence is predetermined by a certain process of development of economics as a whole and as well as society. According to the degree of production and economic activity there appeared and sharpened many social and economic problems that are not solved at once or can’t be solved on such level that is OK for everybody. Market economy excels its own primeval possibilities at maximum self regulation. New problems appearing on the degree of its development create a question on the fact that state participation in market management is completely solved. According to this reason, disputes between the experts are only about measures of their participation.

About the authors

L. S. Mokina

Department of Economics, student, Samara State University, Samara, 443011, Russian Federation.

Author for correspondence.

E. G. Nikitina

student, Samara State University, Samara, 443011, Russian Federation.



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