The Bragg element base of the microwave and terahertz electronics

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A new approach to constructing the elemental base of electronics in the microwave and terahertz ranges associated with the development of functional elements of radio electronics based on Bragg structures have been proposed. The possibility of creating narrow-band rejection filters based on Bragg structures with a frequency-independent transmission coefficient close to unity outside the stop band has been demonstrated. The characteristics of small-sized matched loads for operation in the microwave and terahertz frequency ranges based on Bragg structures containing nanometer metal films have been described. The possibility of using microwave photonic crystals as a new types of electrodynamic systems for measuring the parameters of materials and structures by microwave methods has been considered. The coaxial photonic crystal was used for implementing the method for measuring the complex permittivity of dielectrics, based on the use of the transmission and reflection frequency dependences at the frequency of the defect mode in the band gap.

About the authors

S.A. Nikitov

Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics named after V.A. Kotelnikov RAS

Author for correspondence.

A.V. Skripal

Saratov State University


D.V. Ponomarev

Saratov State University



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Copyright (c) 2019 Nikitov S., Skripal A., Ponomarev D.

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